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A listing of HTML4 Character Entities
Code Name Displays As:
	Horizontal tabnon-printing

Line feednon-printing

Carriage Returnnon-printing
" or "quotation mark = APL quote" or "
& or &ampersand& or &
!Exclamation mark!
" or "Quotation mark" or "
#Number sign#
$Dollar sign$
%Percent sign%
& or &Ampersand& or &
(Left parenthesis(
)Right parenthesis)
+Plus sign+
.Period (fullstop).
/Solidus (slash)/
&#60; or &lt;Less than< or <
&#61;Equals sign=
&#62; or &gt;Greater than> or >
&#63;Question mark?
&#64;Commercial at@
&#91;Left square bracket[
&#92;Reverse solidus (backslash)\
&#93;Right square bracket]
&#95;Horizontal bar (underscore)_
&#96;Acute accent`
&#123;Left curly brace{
&#124;Vertical bar|
&#125;Right curly brace}
&#146 is non-standard! use &#8217; instead!
&endash; or &#150; are non-standard! use &#8211; instead!
&emdash; or &#151; are non-standard! use &#8212; instead!
&#160; or &nbsp;no-break space = non-breaking space  or  
&#161; or &iexcl;inverted exclamation mark¡ or ¡
&#162; or &cent;Cent sign¢ or ¢
&#163; or &pound;Pound sterling£ or £
&#164; or &curren;General currency sign¤ or ¤
&#165; or &yen;yen sign = yuan sign¥ or ¥
&#166; or &brvbar;pipe or broken bar = broken vertical bar¦ or ¦
&#167; or &sect;Section sign§ or §
&#168; or &uml;diaeresis = spacing diaeresis¨ or ¨
&#169; or &copy;copyright sign© or ©
&#170; or &ordf;feminine ordinal indicatorª or ª
&#171; or &laquo;left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet« or «
&#172; or &not;not sign¬ or ¬
&#173; or &shy;soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen­ or ­
&#174; or &reg;registered sign = registered trade mark sign® or ®
&#175; or &macr;macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar¯ or ¯
&#176; or &deg;degree sign° or °
&#177; or &plusmn;plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign± or ±
&#178; or &sup2;superscript two = superscript digit two = squared² or ²
&#179; or &sup3;superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed³ or ³
&#180; or &acute;acute accent = spacing acute´ or ´
&#181; or &micro;micro signµ or µ
&#182; or &para;pilcrow sign = paragraph sign¶ or ¶
&#183; or &middot;middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot· or ·
&#184; or &cedil;cedilla = spacing cedilla¸ or ¸
&#185; or &sup1;superscript one = superscript digit one¹ or ¹
&#186; or &ordm;masculine ordinal indicatorº or º
&#187; or &raquo;right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet» or »
&#188; or &frac14;vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter¼ or ¼
&#189; or &frac12;vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half½ or ½
&#190; or &frac34;vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters¾ or ¾
&#191; or &iquest;inverted question mark = turned question mark¿ or ¿
&#192; or &Agrave;latin capital letter A with grave = latin capital letter A graveÀ or À
&#193; or &Aacute;latin capital letter A with acuteÁ or Á
&#194; or &Acirc;latin capital letter A with circumflex or Â
&#195; or &Atilde;latin capital letter A with tildeà or Ã
&#196; or &Auml;latin capital letter A with diaeresisÄ or Ä
&#197; or &Aring;latin capital letter A with ring above = latin capital letter A ringÅ or Å
&#198; or &AElig;latin capital letter AE = latin capital ligature AEÆ or Æ
&#199; or &Ccedil;latin capital letter C with cedillaÇ or Ç
&#200; or &Egrave;latin capital letter E with graveÈ or È
&#201; or &Eacute;latin capital letter E with acuteÉ or É
&#202; or &Ecirc;latin capital letter E with circumflexÊ or Ê
&#203; or &Euml;latin capital letter E with diaeresisË or Ë
&#204; or &Igrave;latin capital letter I with graveÌ or Ì
&#205; or &Iacute;latin capital letter I with acuteÍ or Í
&#206; or &Icirc;latin capital letter I with circumflexÎ or Î
&#207; or &Iuml;latin capital letter I with diaeresisÏ or Ï
&#208; or &ETH;latin capital letter ETHÐ or Ð
&#209; or &Ntilde;latin capital letter N with tildeÑ or Ñ
&#210; or &Ograve;latin capital letter O with graveÒ or Ò
&#211; or &Oacute;latin capital letter O with acuteÓ or Ó
&#212; or &Ocirc;latin capital letter O with circumflexÔ or Ô
&#213; or &Otilde;latin capital letter O with tildeÕ or Õ
&#214; or &Ouml;latin capital letter O with diaeresisÖ or Ö
&#215; or &times;multiplication sign× or ×
&#216; or &Oslash;latin capital letter O with stroke = latin capital letter O slashØ or Ø
&#217; or &Ugrave;latin capital letter U with graveÙ or Ù
&#218; or &Uacute;latin capital letter U with acuteÚ or Ú
&#219; or &Ucirc;latin capital letter U with circumflexÛ or Û
&#220; or &Uuml;latin capital letter U with diaeresisÜ or Ü
&#221; or &Yacute;latin capital letter Y with acuteÝ or Ý
&#222; or &THORN;latin capital letter THORNÞ or Þ
&#223; or &szlig;Small sharp s, German (sz ligature)ß or ß
&#223; or &szlig;latin small letter sharp s = ess-zedß or ß
&#224; or &agrave;latin small letter a with grave = latin small letter a graveà or à
&#225; or &aacute;latin small letter a with acuteá or á
&#226; or &acirc;latin small letter a with circumflexâ or â
&#227; or &atilde;latin small letter a with tildeã or ã
&#228; or &auml;latin small letter a with diaeresisä or ä
&#229; or &aring;latin small letter a with ring above = latin small letter a ringå or å
&#230; or &aelig;latin small letter ae = latin small ligature aeæ or æ
&#231; or &ccedil;latin small letter c with cedillaç or ç
&#232; or &egrave;latin small letter e with graveè or è
&#233; or &eacute;latin small letter e with acuteé or é
&#234; or &ecirc;latin small letter e with circumflexê or ê
&#235; or &euml;latin small letter e with diaeresisë or ë
&#236; or &igrave;latin small letter i with graveì or ì
&#237; or &iacute;latin small letter i with acuteí or í
&#238; or &icirc;latin small letter i with circumflexî or î
&#239; or &iuml;latin small letter i with diaeresisï or ï
&#240; or &eth;latin small letter ethð or ð
&#241; or &ntilde;latin small letter n with tildeñ or ñ
&#242; or &ograve;latin small letter o with graveò or ò
&#243; or &oacute;latin small letter o with acuteó or ó
&#244; or &ocirc;latin small letter o with circumflexô or ô
&#245; or &otilde;latin small letter o with tildeõ or õ
&#246; or &ouml;latin small letter o with diaeresisö or ö
&#247; or &divide;division sign÷ or ÷
&#248; or &oslash;latin small letter o with stroke, = latin small letter o slashø or ø
&#249; or &ugrave;latin small letter u with graveù or ù
&#250; or &uacute;latin small letter u with acuteú or ú
&#251; or &ucirc;latin small letter u with circumflexû or û
&#252; or &uuml;latin small letter u with diaeresisü or ü
&#253; or &yacute;latin small letter y with acuteý or ý
&#254; or &thorn;latin small letter thornþ or þ
&#255; or &yuml;Small y, dieresis or umlaut markÿ or ÿ
&#338; or &OElig;latin capital ligature OEŒ or Œ
&#339; or &oelig;latin small ligature oeœ or œ
&#352; or &Scaron;latin capital letter S with caronŠ or Š
&#353; or &scaron;latin small letter s with caronš or š
&#376; or &Yuml;latin capital letter Y with diaeresisŸ or Ÿ
&#402; or &fnof;latin small f with hook = function = florinƒ or ƒ
&#710; or &circ;modifier letter circumflex accentˆ or ˆ
&#732; or &tilde;small tilde˜ or ˜
&#913; or &Alpha;greek capital letter alphaΑ or Α
&#914; or &Beta;greek capital letter betaΒ or Β
&#915; or &Gamma;greek capital letter gammaΓ or Γ
&#916; or &Delta;greek capital letter deltaΔ or Δ
&#917; or &Epsilon;greek capital letter epsilonΕ or Ε
&#918; or &Zeta;greek capital letter zetaΖ or Ζ
&#919; or &Eta;greek capital letter etaΗ or Η
&#920; or &Theta;greek capital letter thetaΘ or Θ
&#921; or &Iota;greek capital letter iotaΙ or Ι
&#922; or &Kappa;greek capital letter kappaΚ or Κ
&#923; or &Lambda;greek capital letter lambdaΛ or Λ
&#924; or &Mu;greek capital letter muΜ or Μ
&#925; or &Nu;greek capital letter nuΝ or Ν
&#926; or &Xi;greek capital letter xiΞ
&#927; or &Omicron;greek capital letter omicronΟ or Ο
&#928; or &Pi;greek capital letter piΠ or Π
&#929; or &Rho;greek capital letter rhoΡ or Ρ
&#931; or &Sigma;greek capital letter sigmaΣ or Σ
&#932; or &Tau;greek capital letter tauΤ or Τ
&#933; or &Upsilon;greek capital letter upsilonΥ or Υ
&#934; or &Phi;greek capital letter phiΦ or Φ
&#935; or &Chi;greek capital letter chiΧ or Χ
&#936; or &Psi;greek capital letter psiΨ or Ψ
&#937; or &Omega;greek capital letter omegaΩ or Ω
&#945; or &alpha;greek small letter alphaα or α
&#946; or &beta;greek small letter betaβ or β
&#947; or &gamma;greek small letter gammaγ or γ
&#948; or &delta;greek small letter deltaδ or δ
&#949; or &epsilon;greek small letter epsilonε or ε
&#950; or &zeta;greek small letter zetaζ or ζ
&#951; or &eta;greek small letter etaη or η
&#952; or &theta;greek small letter thetaθ or θ
&#953; or &iota;greek small letter iotaι or ι
&#954; or &kappa;greek small letter kappaκ or κ
&#955; or &lambda;greek small letter lambdaλ or λ
&#956; or &mu;greek small letter muμ or μ
&#957; or &nu;greek small letter nuν or ν
&#958; or &xi;greek small letter xiξ
&#959; or &omicron;greek small letter omicronο or ο
&#960; or &pi;greek small letter piπ or π
&#961; or &rho;greek small letter rhoρ or ρ
&#962; or &sigmaf;greek small letter final sigmaς or ς
&#963; or &sigma;greek small letter sigmaσ or σ
&#964; or &tau;greek small letter tauτ or τ
&#965; or &upsilon;greek small letter upsilonυ or υ
&#966; or &phi;greek small letter phiφ or φ
&#967; or &chi;greek small letter chiχ or χ
&#968; or &psi;greek small letter psiψ or ψ
&#969; or &omega;greek small letter omegaω or ω
&#977; or &thetasym;greek small letter theta symbolϑ or ϑ
&#978; or &upsih;greek upsilon with hook symbolϒ or ϒ
&#982; or &piv;greek pi symbolϖ or ϖ
&#8194; or &ensp;en space  or  
&#8195; or &emsp;em space  or  
&#8201; or &thinsp;thin space  or  
&#8204; or &zwnj;zero width non-joiner‌ or ‌
&#8205; or &zwj;zero width joiner‍ or ‍
&#8206; or &lrm;left-to-right mark‎ or ‎
&#8207; or &rlm;right-to-left mark‏ or ‏
&#8211; or &ndash;en dash– or –
&#8212; or &mdash;em dash— or —
&#8216; or &lsquo;left single quotation mark‘ or ‘
&#8217; or &rsquo;right single quotation mark’ or ’
&#8218; or &sbquo;single low-9 quotation mark‚ or ‚
&#8220; or &ldquo;left double quotation mark“ or “
&#8221; or &rdquo;right double quotation mark” or ”
&#8222; or &bdquo;double low-9 quotation mark„ or „
&#8224; or &dagger;dagger† or †
&#8225; or &Dagger;double dagger‡ or ‡
&#8226; or &bull;bullet = black small circle• or •
&#8230; or &hellip;horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader… or …
&#8240; or &permil;per mille sign‰ or ‰
&#8242; or &prime;prime = minutes = feet′ or ′
&#8243; or &Prime;double prime = seconds = inches″ or ″
&#8249; or &lsaquo;single left-pointing angle quotation mark‹ or ‹
&#8250; or &rsaquo;single right-pointing angle quotation mark› or ›
&#8254; or &oline;overline = spacing overscore‾ or ‾
&#8260; or &frasl;fraction slash⁄ or ⁄
&#8364; or &euro;euro sign€ or €
&#8465; or &image;blackletter capital I = imaginary partℑ or ℑ
&#8472; or &weierp;script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p℘ or ℘
&#8476; or &real;blackletter capital R = real part symbolℜ or ℜ
&#8482; or &trade;trade mark sign™ or ™
&#8501; or &alefsym;alef symbol = first transfinite cardinalℵ or ℵ
&#8592; or &larr;leftwards arrow← or ←
&#8593; or &uarr;upwards arrow↑ or ↑
&#8594; or &rarr;rightwards arrow→ or →
&#8595; or &darr;downwards arrow↓ or ↓
&#8596; or &harr;left right arrow↔ or ↔
&#8629; or &crarr;downwards arrow with corner leftwards = carriage return↵ or ↵
&#8656; or &lArr;leftwards double arrow⇐ or ⇐
&#8657; or &uArr;upwards double arrow⇑ or ⇑
&#8658; or &rArr;rightwards double arrow⇒ or ⇒
&#8659; or &dArr;downwards double arrow⇓ or ⇓
&#8660; or &hArr;left right double arrow⇔ or ⇔
&#8704; or &forall;for all∀ or ∀
&#8706; or &part;partial differential∂ or ∂
&#8707; or &exist;there exists∃ or ∃
&#8709; or &empty;empty set = null set = diameter∅ or ∅
&#8711; or &nabla;nabla = backward difference∇ or ∇
&#8712; or &isin;element of∈ or ∈
&#8713; or &notin;not an element of∉ or ∉
&#8715; or &ni;contains as member∋ or ∋
&#8719; or &prod;n-ary product = product sign∏ or ∏
&#8721; or &sum;n-ary sumation∑ or ∑
&#8722; or &minus;minus sign− or −
&#8727; or &lowast;asterisk operator∗ or ∗
&#8730; or &radic;square root = radical sign√ or √
&#8733; or &prop;proportional to∝ or ∝
&#8734; or &infin;infinity∞ or ∞
&#8736; or &ang;angle∠ or ∠
&#8743; or &and;logical and = wedge∧ or ∧
&#8744; or &or;logical or = vee∨ or ∨
&#8745; or &cap;intersection = cap∩ or ∩
&#8746; or &cup;union = cup∪ or ∪
&#8747; or &int;integral∫ or ∫
&#8756; or &there4;therefore∴ or ∴
&#8764; or &sim;tilde operator = varies with = similar to∼ or ∼
&#8773; or &cong;approximately equal to≅ or ≅
&#8776; or &asymp;almost equal to = asymptotic to≈ or ≈
&#8800; or &ne;not equal to≠ or ≠
&#8801; or &equiv;identical to≡ or ≡
&#8804; or &le;less-than or equal to≤ or ≤
&#8805; or &ge;greater-than or equal to≥ or ≥
&#8834; or &sub;subset of⊂ or ⊂
&#8835; or &sup;superset of⊃ or ⊃
&#8836; or &nsub;not a subset of⊄ or ⊄
&#8838; or &sube;subset of or equal to⊆ or ⊆
&#8839; or &supe;superset of or equal to⊇ or ⊇
&#8853; or &oplus;circled plus = direct sum⊕ or ⊕
&#8855; or &otimes;circled times = vector product⊗ or ⊗
&#8869; or &perp;up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular⊥ or ⊥
&#8901; or &sdot;dot operator⋅ or ⋅
&#8968; or &lceil;left ceiling = apl upstile⌈ or ⌈
&#8969; or &rceil;right ceiling⌉ or ⌉
&#8970; or &lfloor;left floor = apl downstile⌊ or ⌊
&#8971; or &rfloor;right floor⌋ or ⌋
&#9001; or &lang;left-pointing angle bracket = bra〈 or 〈
&#9002; or &rang;right-pointing angle bracket = ket〉 or 〉
&#9674; or &loz;lozenge◊ or ◊
&#9824; or &spades;black spade suit♠ or ♠
&#9827; or &clubs;black club suit = shamrock♣ or ♣
&#9829; or &hearts;black heart suit = valentine♥ or ♥
&#9830; or &diams;black diamond suit♦ or ♦
&#10004;Check Mark