GC Enterprise Architecture/Board/What is EARB

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The Chief Information Officer of Canada is responsible for prescribing government-wide architecture expectations and on March 23, 2017 the CIO of Canada established an enterprise architecture review board that is mandated to define current and target architecture standards for the Government of Canada, and review departmental plans to ensure alignment.

What is the GC EARB?

The GC Enterprise Architecture Review Board serves as a governance body ensuring digital and technology initiatives align to the Government of Canada IMIT Strategic Plan for 2017-2021.

The GC EARB is not for resource allocation or project costing, these perspectives are covered by other governance bodies and project review boards.

Why a GC EARB?

"To further the "whole of government as one enterprise" vision. It is integrated into the larger GC governance structure and looks at alignment of initiatives, system and solution gaps and overlaps, development of new digital capabilities and innovation opportunities, setting technology standards and providing IM-IT investment direction"
