Digital Talent

Revision as of 10:43, 24 November 2022 by Ashley.evans1 (talk | contribs)

Help grow digital talent and skills in the Government of Canada

Fulfilling Canada’s Digital Ambition: Building a workforce for digital-first delivery

Launched in August 2022, Canada’s Digital Ambition is the Government of Canada’s north star for designing, delivering, and maintain digital services. People who live in Canada expect to use simple, secure, and efficient digital services and programs, and there’s a strong recognition that the public service requires modern tools, data-enabled services and programs, action-ready policy, and most relevant to us, digital talent and digital leadership, to make it a reality.

At the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS)’s Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Digital Community Management team, our focus is supporting digital talent and leadership: this means attracting, retaining, and developing talent, as well as creating the enabling conditions for organizations and teams to design, deliver, and maintain robust digital services.

We can't do this alone

On these pages, you will see the main initiatives that we are developing with the community, links to evolving materials, and opportunities to contribute.

This is an open call for feedback: regardless of your role or department or agency, we want to hear your feedback and learn from your perspective to help improve OCIO’s initiatives to support digital talent in the public service.

Provide your feedback

Whatever we share will come with a label: Discovery, Alpha, Beta, or Live. While these labels are typically used when iteratively designing and delivering products and services, we are using them to make sure we are taking an iterative approach to everything we do.

For us, these labels mean:


Understanding the key problem and the most important needs of the people impacted. By the end of Discovery, we know what is worth addressing first.


Prototyping ways to address the key problem and most important needs. By the end of Alpha, we think we have a scalable solution to address the problem.


Testing and iterating on the solution. By the end of Beta, the solution might be shared in a public environment so we can continue to improve it.


We are ready to share the solution. Since “live” is ongoing, the solution needs regular review and maintenance based on user, policy, service, and other key metrics that determine if we are truly supporting digital talent in the public service

How you can get involved

We have three initiatives that are ready for your participation. Note that we will continually share early drafts: this page will change based on what we are ready to share:

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The Digital Talent Strategy

The Digital Skills Initiative

Ecosystem for digital talent

Discovery Phase

Discovery Phase

Alpha Phase

Attracting and developing digital talent in the GC

Defining and developing digital skills for all public servants

Curating and visualizing data related to digital talent