Digital Booster/Home/Digital Booster Winter 2023 Challenge

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Empower your team with new ways of working winter 2023.png

Home October 2022 session November 2022 session Winter 2023 Digital Booster Challenge January 2023 session February 2023 session Français

Winter 2023 Digital Booster Challenge

Take your digital skills to the next level

Sign up to participate in the Digital Booster Challenge!

Digital Booster Winter 2023 Challenge

Note: The January to March 2023 initiatives will be reserved to ESDC employees as we test new engagement tools. Once we have refined the new ways of delivering a value-added engagement and learning process, we will reopen the initiatives to other Government of Canada employees.


If you require additional support, please contact us 7 days before the session.

What's in it for you:
  • Improve your digital skills
  • Receive a unique Teams Achievement Backgrounder for each exercise completed
  • Be recognized on the "Digital Booster Recognition Board"
  • Receive a Digital Booster Challenge Certificate

How it works:

Date and Time:

First exercise starts on Jan 30. You have until March 31st to finish 7 exercise of 3-5 min each.


ESDC employees can |sign up using this internal link.
Government of Canada employees can register for future initiatives and events here: