Business Architecture Architecture/Reference Materials

Revision as of 10:22, 29 December 2022 by Johanne.bottrill (talk | contribs)

Building a Business Architecture Practice

  1. GC BizArc CoP - Action Plan for Building a Business Architecture Practice
  2. Gartner - 8 Steps to Start or Restart a High-Impact, Business-Outcome Driven EA Program
  3. Gartner - 5 Ways to Upgrade Your Business Architecture Practices
  4. S2E Consulting Inc - Guidance For Establishing Business Architecture Practice
  5. S2E Consulting Inc - Business Architecture Practice Components
  6. S2E Consulting Inc - Ways of Working for a Successful Business Architect
  7. S2E Consulting Inc - Straight Talk on Business Architecture
  8. Real IRM - Approaches to Business Architecture
  9. URM UK Connect - How to Build a Successful Business Architecture Practice

Communicating Value Proposition for Business Architecture

  1. Business Architecture Guild - Communicating the Value Proposition of Business Architecture to C-Level Executives
  2. Gartner - Why Business Models Matter for CIOs
  3. S2E Consulting Inc - 5 Tenets of Socializing Business Architecture
  4. S2E Consulting Inc - The Value of Business Architecture
  5. CIO Solutions - Business Architecture: Putting “Business” into Enterprise Architecture
  6. Communicating EA Value - So what’s with the ducks?

Business Architectures and Transformational Initiatives

  1. Business Architecture Associates - The Gateway to Transforming an Organization into an Agile Enterprise
  2. Gartner - Rethink the IT Strategic Plan
  3. Research Gate - How EA Improves the Quality of IT Investment Decisions

TOGAF (Open Group) Reference Materials


  1. Advancement of Business Architecture in the TOGAF® Ecosystem, September 2018
  2. TOGAF® Series Guide: Business Capabilities
  3. TOGAF® Series Guide: Value Streams

BIZBOK (Business Architecture Guild) Reference Materials


  1. What Is Business Architecture? Business Architecture Simplified and Differentiated White Paper, June 2018
  2. Business Architecture Course Highlights, November 2020


  1. GARTNER Research on BCM Report - Research completed by Gartner and presented to the Enterprise Architecture Community of Practice (EA CoP) April 28, 2022. NOTE: There are NO plans to make changes to the current BCM based on this report.

How To

  1. What is a service and how to identify them.