Business Architecture/Terms of Reference

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Terms of Reference[edit | edit source]

Scope[edit | edit source]

The GC Business Architecture Working Group (BizA WG) serves as a collaborative body supporting the effective exchange of information to bolster and expand the discipline and domain of Business Architecture.

Mandate[edit | edit source]

The objective could be to…. Communicate and share established Business Architecture views and techniques across the GC community to promote enhanced architecture outcomes. The Group shall:

  • Collaborate amongst the group and back up to the GC EA Community of Practice
  • Share techniques, lessons learned and deliverables
  • Work to drive out "Foundational"... i.e. creating business models.... and "Project/Initiative"... i.e creating project artifacts to meet the Project management framework

Membership[edit | edit source]

  • Community led with chair from PSPC (TBS to provide support) for first wave of 6 months. To be ratified every 6 months.
  • Membership is comprised of GC architects with interest in business architecture.
  • By invitation, those that become known who are outside the GC with experience to share.

Operations[edit | edit source]

  • The BizA WG will meet monthly(?), at a minimum. The Chair may call ad hoc meetings to address topics and issues of special interest as required.
  • The agenda will be provided at least 2 business days in advance of a meeting, attendance is optional if agenda items are not relevant.

Secretariat Services[edit | edit source]

Secretariat services will be a shared responsibility provided by the sitting Chair & TBS and will include the following services:

  • Agenda development;
  • Administrative and logistical support for meetings and/or teleconferences, including the coordination and dissemination of meeting details and documentation;
  • Development of meeting minutes/Record of Decisions;
  • Overall document management related to group activities; and,
  • Membership List maintenance.

Terms of Reference Approval and Review[edit | edit source]

  • The Terms of Reference will be reviewed on a bi-annual basis.

Key Objectives (Nov 2021)[edit | edit source]

The following activities are proposed objectives for discussion:

  1. Define and document …