Government Commitments

Revision as of 16:08, 22 October 2021 by Elijah.foran (talk | contribs)


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Government Commitments

The Federal Public service strives to be an equitable and inclusive employer. Below you will find some commitments made to diversify and foster a positive work environment.

Diversity and Inclusion


The Federal Public Service is stronger and most effective when it reflects the diversity of Canada’s populations served. The same principal applies to the strength of public opinion research. We are committed to increasing accessibility and inclusion by supporting the recruitment and retention of equity seeking groups. Diverse perspectives are valued and we encourage all to apply!

PSPC Diversity Networks



In the Federal Public Service, employees are able to work in English, French or both! There are specific requirements depending on the specific position. Staff have the choice to communicate in their preferred official language at work.

Second Language Resources

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Government Commitments
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