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Knowledge Circle for Indigenous Inclusion

Reconciliation within the public service requires fundamental change and a government-wide commitment to action. To make this change a reality, the Knowledge Circle for Indigenous Inclusion (KCII) works as a liaison between public service managers and Indigenous employees. The KCII provides culturally competent guidance, support, and advice to Indigenous employees and public service managers within a safe space. As a source of expertise, the KCII is building an inventory of smart practices in the areas of recruitment, retention, talent management, training and development, and career mobility. The KCII reports to Canada’s Deputy Minister Champion for Indigenous Federal Employees and supports her in leading the transformational change required for Indigenous Inclusion within the public service.

Many Voices One Mind: A Pathway to Reconciliation Action Plan

<a class="link" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/government/publicservice/wellness-inclusion-diversity-public-service/diversity-inclusion-public-service/knowledge-circle/many-voices.html">Many Voices One Mind: a Pathway to Reconciliation (MVOM)</a> action plan is a whole-of-government strategy. It seeks to reduce and remove barriers to public service employment encountered by Indigenous peoples. The KCII is an outcome of this strategy.

The strategy has five key objectives:

Encourage and support Indigenous People to join the public service; Address bias, racism, discrimination and harassment, and improve cultural competence in the public service; Address training, development and career advancement concerns expressed by Indigenous employees; Manage Indigenous talent and promote advancement to and within the executive group; and Support, engage and communicate with Indigenous employees and partners.

Summary Report of Departmental Progress Scorecard Findings

The <a class="link" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/government/publicservice/wellness-inclusion-diversity-public-service/diversity-inclusion-public-service/knowledge-circle/many-voices/summary-report-departmental-progress-scorecard-findings.html">Summary Report of Departmental Progress Scorecard Findings</a> is a summary of the implementation of the Many Voices One Mind Action Plan that highlights the accomplishment and promising practices reported by departments and agencies. This report also shines a light on the areas that require additional focus and efforts moving forward.


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Message from Deputy Minister Gina Wilson

In my role as Deputy Minister Champion for Indigenous Federal Employees, I had the honor of leading the work that led to <a class="link" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/government/publicservice/wellness-inclusion-diversity-public-service/diversity-inclusion-public-service/knowledge-circle/many-voices.html">Many Voices One Mind: a Pathway to Reconciliation (MVOM)</a> action plan, where the focus was placed on supporting transformational change in the Public Service for Indigenous inclusion.

One of the first initiatives that I announced in April 2019, was the launch of the Knowledge Circle for Indigenous Inclusion (KCII), which fulfills one of the key outcomes stemming from the Action Plan outlined in MVOM. In addition to supporting me with the tracking and monitoring of progress on the implementation of the MVOM Action Plan, the KCII acts as a culturally competent focal point for liaison and offers a safe space for conversations on Indigenous wellbeing in the workplace. As well, KCII is a source of expertise for guidance, support, and advice to Indigenous employees and Public Service Executives and Managers. It also provides Secretariat support to the Indigenous Executive Network, and the newly established Indigenous Senior Leaders Circle that I Co-Chair with Valerie Gideon, Associate Deputy Minister, Indigenous Services Canada.

Indigenous Peoples continue to face multiple barriers to public service employment, despite the rich resources, skills and diversity they can provide. I am pleased that Deputy Ministers committed to the implementation of the MVOM Action Plan. In September 2020, we launched the Progress Scorecard Summary report, reflecting the summary of the Departmental Progress Scorecard findings for 2018-2019. This report highlighted the accomplishment and promising practices reported by departments and agencies and shined a light on the areas that required additional focus and efforts moving forward.

Recently we launched the 2019-2020 MVOM Departmental Progress Scorecard Summary Report (the Report). (Add link here) This report is a consolidated overview of the quantitative progress achieved after two years of implementation of the MVOM Action Plan. It provides a statistical analysis of federal Indigenous employees in three categories:

  • Representation, hiring and retention.
  • Training, development and career advancement; and,
  • Executive talent management and advancement.

Departmental practices focused on Indigenous inclusion are highlighted throughout the Report. The Report also provides a benchmark for future reporting and a beginning as the Federal Public Service moves forward with the Clerk’s <a class="link" href="https://can01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.canada.ca%2Fen%2Fprivy-council%2Fcorporate%2Fclerk%2Fcall-to-action-anti-racism-equity-inclusion-federal-public-service.html&data=04%7C01%7CRepresentationMatters-ValeursRepresentatives%40tbs-sct.gc.ca%7C3a659a0ed2524246359908d8e231eae0%7C6397df10459540479c4f03311282152b%7C0%7C0%7C637508051333382334%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=WJJ1jMPoqi55K7A%2F8UB01fSpLC0DB0JLNT%2BB1nJMKgE%3D&reserved=0">Call to action on anti-racism, equity, and inclusion in the Federal Public Service</a> made in January 2021, and the Treasury Board Directive on <a class="link" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/government/publicservice/wellness-inclusion-diversity-public-service/diversity-inclusion-public-service/diversity-inclusion-priorities-public-service.html"> employment equity, diversity and inclusion </a> areas of focus for the public service, that came into effect on April 1, 2020. Together these initiatives are helping to build a public service that is more diverse, inclusive, and accessible.

It is time for transformational change in the federal public service, and as the Deputy Minister Champion for Indigenous Federal Employees, I am committed to ensuring Indigenous voices are heard. Now is the moment for reconciliation in action.

                               <img class="" src="https://www.gcpedia.gc.ca/gcwiki/images/f/fb/Gina-wilson1-bil.png" class="img-fluid" style="width:150px;">

Gina Wilson

Deputy Minister Champion for Indigenous Federal Employees


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