Revision as of 21:52, 4 September 2018 by Ashley.evans (talk | contribs)
September 2018
September 7: This is a very, quite a long, decently lengthy, very, quite a long, decently lengthy, decently lengthy, decently lengthy, very, quite a long, decently lengthy sentece.
September 1: This is a very, quite a long, decently lengthy, very, quite a long, decently lengthy. Click on me to go to update.
August 2018
August 7: Testing Collab Kanban and checking out the Intelli group on GCcollab. Testing testing testing.
August 1: We are hiring our next Director - as a team. Testing testing testing.
July 2018
July 7: User testing opportunities coming soon! Testing testing testing.
July 1: Is GCcollab getting a facelift? Yes, and so much more. Testing testing testing.