Lessons learned - OneGC Alexa Proof-of-Concept
Set up
- What went well
- What could have gone better
- What to do next time
- What needs to be fixed to make it better
Parks fees
- What went well
- After having built a hello, world skill and having learned the basics of building an Alexa Skill and using AWS Lambda, those parts of the development of the Parks fees Skill were easy.
- What could have gone better
- Transforming the data into a state in which it could be imported into DynamoDB was a lot of effort due to the dataset being designed for a relational database system and the poor documentation of DynamoDB.
- Querying data from DynamoDB is case-sensitive, but Alexa lower-cases everything. We had to duplicate the 'park name' attribute to have properly-cased and lower-case instances so that we could both search it and display it.
- What to do next time
- Using a relational database system would have been easier than using DynamoDB.
- What needs to be fixed to make it better
Flash briefing
- Easy to start
- Helpful resource: Steps to Create a Flash Briefing Skill
- Flash briefing template does not support ATOM feeds
- Flash briefing template only supports HTTPS
- Alexa voice flash briefings are better if source material is voice (e.g. podcast)
To do
- What went well
- What could have gone better
- What to do next time
- What needs to be fixed to make it better