Theme Management Committee Covid-June 11 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-11 juin 2020

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Meeting information

How to carry out basic accessibility checks

Workshop with Beverly Newing, UK Ministry of Justice

Checking the accessibility of websites is one of the first steps to compliance with the digital accessibility regulations - but where should you start? During this interactive session Beverley Newing will introduce you to the fictional ‘Record a goose sighting’ service their team created and demonstrate how it can be used to develop the skills to carry out basic accessibility checks.

Beverley is a front end developer at the UK Ministry of Justice, who specialises in accessibility. They used to run Codebar Oxford and Code First: Girls courses in Oxford, before moving to London to come and work for the UK government.


  • Thursday June 11, 2020 - 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM

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+1 226-315-7743‬ (PIN: ‪818 566 408#‬)

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1. Updates

Notes and action items

Renseignements sur la réunion


  • Jeudi le 11 juin 2020 de 14 h à 15h

Rejoignez la réunion via Hangouts

S'inscrire par téléphone

+1 604-774-9035 (NIP : 674 576 275‬#)

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

Notes et actions à prendre