Test Verca list of partners

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Get in touch with your provincial or regional council[edit | edit source]

The Inter-Council Network is a coalition of the eight provincial and regional councils for international cooperation. These independent, member-based councils are committed to global social justice and social change, and represent more than 350 diverse civil society organizations from across Canada.

These organizations will be able to support and guide you with tools, resources and information on how to approach different topics related to public engagement and education to public engagement.

  • Atlantic Council for International Cooperation
  • Quebec Association of International Cooperation Organizations
  • Ontario Council for International Cooperation
  • Manitoba Council for International Cooperation
  • Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation
  • Alberta Council for Global Cooperation
  • Northern Council for Global Cooperation
  • British Columbia Council for International Cooperation

Connect with other organizations on public engagement matters[edit | edit source]

International internships[edit | edit source]

  • Bow Valley College
  • Canadian Crossroads International
  • Canadian Executive Service Organization
  • Carrefour de solidarité international Sherbrooke
  • Centre de solidarité internationale du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean
  • Centre d’étude et de coopération internationale
  • Comité de Solidarité Trois-Rivières
  • Cuso International
  • Douglas College
  • Éducation internationale, cooperative for educational development and exchange services
  • Engineers without Borders
  • Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development
  • International Bureau for Children’s Rights
  • Jeunesse Canada Monde (Canada World Youth)
  • La Société Mer et Monde
  • Lawyers without Borders Canada
  • Memorial University
  • Oxfam-Quebec
  • Simon Fraser University
  • SUCO
  • Terre sans-frontiers
  • United Nations Association in Canada
  • Uniterra
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Victoria, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives
  • Veterinarians without Borders
  • Victoria International Development Education Association
  • WUSC
  • Youth Challenge International

Environment and climate action[edit | edit source]

  • Canadian Feed the Children
  • Canadian Foodgrains Bank
  • Global Communities
  • Dalhousie University, International Research and Development
  • Development and Peace
  • École Polytechnique de Montréal
  • Farm Radio International
  • Hope International Development Agency (HIDA)
  • IDRC, Canadian International Food Security Research Fund
  • International Institute for Sustainable Development
  • McGill University
  • Rainbow of Hope for Children Society
  • Resource Efficient Agricultural Production
  • SHARE Agricultural Foundation
  • Union des producteurs agricoles Développement international
  • Laval University Finance Department
  • SeedChange (formerly USC Canada)

Social empowerment[edit | edit source]

  • Aga Khan Foundation Canada
  • Community Foundations of Canada
  • Plan International Canada
  • Primates World Relief and Development
  • Queen Elizabeth Scholars
  • Rotary
  • Tula Foundation

Education[edit | edit source]

  • African Institute for Mathematical Science (AIMS)
  • AIMS Canada
  • Canadian Bureau for International Education
  • Cégep de Saint-Jérôme
  • COADY International Institute
  • CODE
  • Colleges and Institutes Canada
  • CRC Sogema
  • MasterCard Foundation
  • Paul Gérin-Lajoie Foundation
  • Queen’s University
  • Right to Play International
  • Ryerson University
  • Saskatchewan Polytechnic
  • SOS Children's Villages Canada
  • University of Moncton
  • University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières
  • Universities Canada
  • University of Alberta
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Prince Edward Island
  • Vancouver Island University
  • War Child Canada
  • Wellspring Foundation for Education
  • World Hope International
  • York University

Governance[edit | edit source]

  • Canadian Audit & Accountability Foundation
  • Canadian Bar Association
  • Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
  • Canadian Labour Congress
  • Department of Justice
  • Equitas
  • Federation of Canadian Municipalities
  • Institute of Public Administration of Canada
  • Inter-Parliamentary Union
  • International Centre for the Prevention of Crime
  • International Institute for Child Rights and Development
  • International Justice Mission
  • Journalists for Human Rights
  • Justice Education Society of British Columbia
  • North-South Institute
  • Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada
  • OXFAM Canada
  • Save the Children Canada
  • Statistics Canada
  • Transparency International
  • U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre
  • UNICEF Canada

Sustainable economic growth[edit | edit source]

  • C2D Services Inc.
  • Canadian Co-operative Association
  • CARE Canada
  • Change for Children Association
  • Canadian International Resources and Development Institute
  • Développement international Desjardins (DID)
  • Digital Opportunity Trust
  • Education International
  • FINCA Canada
  • Global Compact Network Canada
  • Habitat for Humanity Canada
  • Humber College
  • iDE Canada
  • L'AMIE
  • Lundin Foundation
  • Mennonite Economic Development Associates
  • Rooftops Canada Abri International
  • Trade Facilitation Office Canada
  • World Renew

Reproductive, maternal and newborn child health[edit | edit source]

  • Afrique Future
  • Amref Health Africa in Canada
  • Canadian Partnership for Women and Children's Health (CanWaCH)
  • Canadian Red Cross
  • CAUSE Canada
  • Christian Children's Fund of Canada
  • College of the Rockies
  • Cowater International
  • Doctors of the World
  • Horizons of Friendship
  • International Planned Parenthood Federation
  • Jane Goodall Institute
  • Presbyterian World Service and Development
  • Salasan Consulting Inc.
  • Seva Canada
  • SickKids Centre for Global Child Health
  • Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Canada
  • Université de Montréal, International Health Unit
  • University of Calgary
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • Western University

Nutrition and health[edit | edit source]

  • Action Against Hunger
  • Adventist Development and Relief Agency
  • Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology
  • Effect:hope (Leprosy Mission Canada)
  • Emmanuel Relief and Rehabilitation International of Canada
  • Ghana Rural Integrated Development [1]
  • Global Aid Network
  • Grand Challenges Canada
  • HealthBridge Foundation of Canada
  • Inter Pares
  • Mennonite Central Committee Canada
  • WaterAid Canada
  • World Neighbours Canada
  • World Vision Canada
  • Falls Brook Centre
  • Save a Family Plan

Other[edit | edit source]

  • Alinea International
  • Canada Africa Community Health Alliance
  • Canadian Network for International Surgery
  • Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief
  • Jesuits of Canada
  • Operation Eyesight Universal