
Created page with "Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) is undertaking a review of the Directive on Automated Decision-Making. The review takes stock of the current state of the directive..."
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) is undertaking a review of the Directive on Automated Decision-Making. The review takes stock of the current state of the directive and identifies risks and challenges to the government’s commitment to responsible AI in the federal public sector. These issues highlight critical gaps that limit the directive’s relevance and effectiveness in supporting transparency, accountability, and fairness in automated decision-making. They also identify problems with terminology, feasibility, and coherence with other federal policy instruments.

As part of the review, we are proposing a series of policy recommendations and accompanying amendments to the directive. The recommendations would help ensure that automated decision systems impacting federal public servants are fair and inclusive; reinforce transparency and accountability; strengthen protections against discrimination and harm; and clarify requirements and support operational needs.

Stakeholders are invited to review the key issues, policy recommendations, and provisional amendments to the directive. A report providing additional details is also available.

This consultation is part of a broader set of targeted engagements that TBS is undertaking with stakeholders from academia, civil society, and partners in other governments and international organizations.

We plan to gather initial stakeholder feedback by '''Friday, September 16th''' and would ask that you submit your comments to [[|]] by then.

'''Consultation materials'''
