
Created page with "Research and Experimentation Project Principles v1.0 The purpose of these principles is to guide the OCHRO Research and Experimentation team (RET) in identifying and prioriti..."
Research and Experimentation Project Principles v1.0

The purpose of these principles is to guide the OCHRO Research and Experimentation team (RET) in identifying and prioritizing projects and initiatives. Note: We are testing this first iteration with calls for projects in Q1 2021-22 and seeking feedback on their design and applicability.

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|+ 10 Principles
! Description !! Header text
| 1. Relevance and alignment || The project aligns with organizational priorities (enterprise and OCHRO) and policy, legislation or regulation, and with Canada’s Digital Standards.
| 2. Unique need || The project is unique. It is new or builds on enabling work. It doesn’t duplicate other initiatives.
| 3. Partner support || The project and process resonate with external and enterprise partners, and/or project sponsors are open to exploring collaboration.
| 4. Feasibility || The project has a clear problem statement. RET and partners are positioned to scope and undertake the work.
| 5. Openness || The project design, results, and lessons can be shared with colleagues across the GC and beyond? We can embody openness by default.
| 6. Impact/ Measurable benefits || Desired outcomes can be measured; offer a tangible benefit for people management ecosystem. Benefits accrue either immediately, incrementally, or offer potential for transformational change.
| 7. Impact/Efficiency gains || The project improves efficiencies across processes or systems
| 8. Sustainability || The project is potentially self-sustainable once complete.
| 9. Scalability || The methodology, or overall initiative, can be scaled or replicated.
| 10. Ethics and privacy || Any potential ethical and/or privacy considerations can be addressed.

5. Openness

The project design, results, and lessons can be shared with colleagues across the GC and beyond? We can embody openness by default.