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Security Profile, Availability, and Disaster Recovery Information:
Security Profile: Provide the security profile for the solution (eg. PBMM, PBHM, etc). If the solution includes multiple components with different security profiles, include all security profiles.
'''Use this document as guidance to help complete SSC Appendix 3 slides'''
Maximum Allowable Unplanned downtime: provide expected maximum allowable downtime in hours per year if system is expected to run 24/7, or general availability hours if the system is expected to run during business hours and have downtime otherwise.
Availability requirements: Provide an estimate for availability requirements: Medium availability is 95%, High availability is >=99%
Disaster Recovery: select expected disaster recovery needs
'''Security Profile, Availability, and Disaster Recovery Information:'''
• Hot Site: Facility and equipment are set up and ready to go, with either synchronous or asynchronous data replication. It is available and running 24/7.
• Warm Site: Equipment is available and configured. Latest application data must loaded or restored.
'''Security Profile:''' Provide the security profile for the solution (eg. PBMM, PBHM, etc). If the solution includes multiple components with different security profiles, include all security profiles.
• Cold Site: Available space/facility where you need to set up the equipment, connectivity, load the software and data.
• None: best effort disaster recovery.
'''Maximum Allowable Unplanned downtime:''' provide expected maximum allowable downtime in hours per year if system is expected to run 24/7, or general availability hours if the system is expected to run during business hours and have downtime otherwise.
Authentication: select the authentication method from the options below. DCAM, ICM/ECM, or Sign in Canada are the preferred methods:
• DCAM (Active Directory solution using ADFS)
'''Availability requirements:''' Provide an estimate for availability requirements: Medium availability is 95%, High availability is >=99%
• ICM/ECM – GCKey, MyKey
• Sign in Canada  
'''Disaster Recovery:''' select expected disaster recovery needs
• Other: Specify the authentication method if none of the above are being used.  
Hosting Solution: Specify all hosting options:
:• Hot Site: Facility and equipment are set up and ready to go, with either synchronous or asynchronous data replication. It is available and running 24/7.
o End State Data Centre (specify EDC)
:• Warm Site: Equipment is available and configured. Latest application data must loaded or restored.
o Legacy Data Centre (specify specific data centre)
:• Cold Site: Available space/facility where you need to set up the equipment, connectivity, load the software and data.
o Cloud – specify cloud solution
:• None: best effort disaster recovery.
Workload Migration: Is any workload migrating out of legacy data centres: Yes/No
Network Details:
'''Authentication:''' select the authentication method from the options below. DCAM, ICM/ECM, or Sign in Canada are the preferred methods:
• Network Connectivity: Specify the network(s) the solution will use: eg. GCNet, Science Net, GCSI, etc.
• Solution Sensitivity to Network Delay:
:• DCAM (Active Directory solution using ADFS)
:• ICM/ECM – GCKey, MyKey
:• Sign in Canada  
:• Other: Specify the authentication method if none of the above are being used.  
'''Hosting Solution:''' Specify all hosting options:
:o End State Data Centre (specify EDC)
:o Legacy Data Centre (specify specific data centre)
:o Cloud – specify cloud solution
'''Workload Migration:''' Is any workload migrating out of legacy data centres: Yes/No
'''Network Details:'''
:'''Network Connectivity:''' Specify the network(s) the solution will use: eg. GCNet, Science Net, GCSI, etc.
:'''Solution Sensitivity to Network Delay:'''
:o Very High (high quality or large number of voice, video and real-time streaming traffic)
:o High (suitable for voice and video, sensitive synchronous applications such as Citrix)
:o Medium (suitable for some synchronous applications)
:o Low (suitable for asynchronous applications)
:o Provide the minimum Required Bandwidth
• '''Network Geographical Distribution:''' Specify the distribution of the solution:
:o Low geographical spread (100 km or less) between application hosting and users
:o Moderate geographical spread (500 km or less) between application hosting and users
:o Regional geographical spread (up to 1500 km) between application hosting and users
:o National geographical spread (Canada-wide) between application hosting and users
:o Global spread between application hosting and users
• '''Network Traffic:''' Select all applicable options for the kind of traffic expected over the network for this solution
:o Video
:o Audio
:o Data
:o Interactive (APIs)
Cloud Details:
:• List the solution’s relevant Cloud Usage Profiles
:• List the solution’s relevant Cloud Connection Patterns
:• Is SCED Needed? Yes/No
:• Has the department been prioritized? If Yes, on which architecture?