
Started page, conventions concerning business functions, processes, services and application data.
Business Functions:
A logical grouping of related business activity (processes, sub-functions, roles, business information, etc...) No flow or sequence is necessary.
- Must always (directly or indirectly) support an established Business Capability, and should be associated with an enterprise requirement, strategic outcome, goal, and/or driver.
- Naming convention: Should NOT use verb-noun naming, in order to not be confused with business processes.

Business Process:
Something that is done/performed, that has a flow or sequence.
- Should be related to a particular (superior) business function.
- Naming: Should name processes with verb-noun notation. "Do something to something". i.e.: Place Order

Business Service:
Something that is provided to an entity external to the business function.
- Must link directly (or indirectly through another business service, interface or product) to a client of the related function for the service.
- Naming convention: May use an ing ending?

Application Data:
- Should, where possible, be linked to a business object.