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Public servants take the initiative to share best practices, learning products, and job opportunities, and more. During the pandemic there was a surge in the creation of Facebook Groups for this purpose as it allowed for individuals to gather in an informal way outside of their work personas. This is not an exhaustive list of the groups that exist but it is a starting point.
{| class="wikitable"
| colspan="4" |Network - Functional Communities - Social Media
|Year of Creation
|This group offers its members an informal way to connect with other GC colleagues to share information about work exchanges and at-level opportunities. Intended for current GC personnel.
|<nowiki>GC Finance and Audit - Informal/Unofficial | Facebook</nowiki>
|This group offers its members an informal way to connect with other public servants looking to swap jobs. Swapping jobs is done at-level and cannot be done using existing pools. You also have to match existing criteria for the position: language and security levels.
Ce groupe offre à ses membres un moyen informel de se connecter avec d’autres fonctionnaires cherchant à échanger de poste. L’échange de poste ce fait à niveau et ne peut être fait en ayant recours à un bassin existant. Vous devez aussi rencontrer les exigences du poste : niveaux de langue et de sécurité.
|EN + FR
|<nowiki>GC Job Swap - Informal / GC Échanges de postes - Informel | Facebook</nowiki>
|<nowiki>GC Communications (Informal/Unofficial) | Facebook</nowiki>
This group offers its members an informal way to connect with other GC Communicators to share information about work exchanges and at-level opportunities. Intended for current GC communicators.
Ce groupe offre à ses membres un moyen informel de se connecter avec d'autres communicateurs du GC pour partager des informations sur les échanges de travail et les opportunités au niveau. Destiné aux communicateurs actuels du GC.
|EN + FR
|<nowiki>GC Communications (Informal/Unofficial) | Facebook</nowiki>
|GC Policy - Informal/Unofficial offers members an informal way to connect & share information about promotional and at-level employment opportunities.
This group is intended for current AND prospective Government of Canada policy personnel (primarily, but not limited to members of the EC category).
|<nowiki>GC Policy - Informal/Unofficial | Facebook</nowiki>
|This group offers its members an informal way to connect with other Government of Canada (GC) Project Management practitioners to share publicly-releasable information about best practices and lessons learned, and about professional development opportunities and work exchanges.
|GC Project Management (Informal/Unofficial)
|A place for those who work or would like to work in the Administrative fields within the Government of Canada.
|<nowiki>GC Administrative Community for All (Informal/Unofficial) | Facebook</nowiki>
|This group is intended as an informal way to connect with other GC IT / IM professionals and hiring managers to share information about work exchanges and at-level opportunities. Intended for current GoC IT/IM professionals.
|GC IM / IT (unofficial/informal)
|Unofficial, informal group for discussion topics, job seekers, hiring managers and more on the topic of HR in government.
|<nowiki>GC HR - unofficial/informal | Facebook</nowiki>
|This group is for people who are working in the Government of Canada with ENG classification to share job opportunities as well as Recruiters who wish to hire ENG staff in their department.
|GC Engineering ENG community(Informal/Unofficial)
|From clerks to office management, administrative support is the backbone that keeps the government upright.
This group offers its members an informal way to connect with other GC Administrative Service members to share information about work exchanges and AT-LEVEL opportunities. Intended for current GC administrative/executive assistants, clerks and managers (primarily members of the AS and CR category, but may include PM).
Du greffier jusqu’à la gestion de bureau, le support administratif est la colonne vertébrale du gouvernement.
Ce groupe offre à ses membres un moyen informel de se connecter avec d'autres membres des services administratifs du GC pour partager des informations sur les échanges de travail et les circonstances opportunes au niveau. Destiné aux adjoints administratifs/exécutifs, greffiers et gestionnaires actuels du GC (principalement, les membres des catégories AS et CR, mais peut inclure des membres du groupe des PM)
|<nowiki>GoC Employees Administrative Community (Informal/Unofficial) | Facebook</nowiki>
|Open to Canadian Public Servants and those who have applied on a process on
This group offers its members an informal way to connect with other PG or equivalent members to share information about work exchanges and at-level opportunities. Intended for current GC procurement/MM specialist and Managers (primarily members of the PG community)
Ouvert aux fonctionnaires canadiens et à ceux qui ont postulé dans le cadre d'un processus sur Emploi GC
Ce groupe offre à ses membres un moyen informel de se connecter avec d’autres membres de PG ou l’équivalent pour partager des informations sur les échanges de travail et des opportunités à niveau. Destiné au agent d’approvisionnement / Gestion du matériel et gestionnaires actuels du GC (principalement de la communauté de PG)
|<nowiki>GoC - Procurement & Materiel Management (informal / unofficial) | Facebook</nowiki>
|Persons employed or interested in Access to Information and Privacy.
|<nowiki>GOC ATIP Informal / Unofficial | Facebook</nowiki>
|This group provides an informal way for members to meet like minded data analysts/scientists/nerds and find/share data opportunities in the GC. While work opportunities will likely be the primary posts, the sharing of learning events and development opportunities related to data are highly encouraged.
|<nowiki>GC Data – Informal/Unoffcial | Facebook</nowiki>
|This group offers its members an informal way to connect with other GC scientists to share information about promotional and at level employment opportunities, networking and sharing policy linkages relevant to the science field.
This group is open to any science related classifications.
Ce groupe offre à ses membres un moyen informel d’entrer en contact avec autres scientifiques du GC pour partager des informations sur les opportunités d'emploi promotionnels et au niveau, le réseautage et le partage des liens politiques pertinents pour le domaine scientifique.
Ce groupe est ouvert à toutes les classifications liées à la science.
|GC Scientists - Informal/Unofficial
|This group offers its members an informal way to connect with other Government of Canada (GC) Risk Management (RM) and Results-Based Management (RBM) practitioners to share publicly-releasable information about best practices and lessons learned, and about professional development opportunities and work exchanges.
|<nowiki>GC Risk and Results | Facebook</nowiki>
|GC Nursing Community (Informal/Unofficial)
|This closed group is for those in the CS group or who have been in that group or who are qualified to be in it. Basic requirement is a diploma in IT or a degree in IT or related field.
|GC Computer Systems CS IT Community (Informal/Unofficial)
|GC PM Program Administration Group (Informal/Unofficial)
|This group offers its members an informal way to connect with other GC executives to share information about promotional and at-level employment opportunities, leadership development, peer coaching and networking. This groups is intended for current executives EX and EX minus 1. We will also welcome HR-EX Services colleagues.
Ce groupe offre à ses membres un moyen informel d'entrer en contact avec d'autres cadres du GC pour partager des renseignements sur les possibilités de promotion et d'emploi à niveau, de développement en leadership, de coaching par les pairs et de réseautage. Ce group est destiné aux cadres actuels de groupe EX et EX moins 1. Nous allons aussi accueillir nos collègues des RH-Services aux cadres EX
|GC Executives - Informal/Unofficial
|lnformal/ unofficial group for GC employees to network, share information on job opportunities and information on international in government. Range of topics include everything from trade, development, foreign affairs, key GC international priorities, engagement, communications, diplomacy, summits and events.
|GC International - Informal/ Unofficial
|This group offers its members an informal way to connect with other Government of Canada (GC) Risk Management (RM) and Results-Based Management (RBM) practitioners to share publicly-releasable information about best practices and lessons learned, and about professional development opportunities and work exchanges. The group is intended for *current* GC employees working in RM and RBM positions.
|GC Risk and Results (Informal / Unofficial)
|Helping equity seeking members (internal and external) of the Federal Public Service Sector of Canada to get the support they need to reach their personal and career goals.
This is not an official Government of Canada (GoC) group. This unofficial/informal group does not represent the views or opinions of the administrators employer nor should it be considered part of an official TBS Program. In addition, participation outside working hours is recommended. Membership questions are mandatory
Aider les membres de groupe équité de la communauté du secteur public fédéral du Canada (interne et externe) à obtenir le soutien dont ils ont besoin pour atteindre leurs objectifs personnels et professionnels.
Ceci n'est pas un groupe officiel du gouvernement du Canada (GdC). Ce groupe non officiel/informel ne représente pas les points de vue ou les opinions de l'employeur des administrateurs et ne devrait pas non plus être considéré comme faisant partie d'un programme officiel du SCT. De plus, la participation en dehors des heures de travail est recommandée. Les questions d'adhésion sont obligatoires.
|EN + FR
|GoC - Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility (IDEA) Jobs (unofficial)
Sharing of these links is not an endorsement.
{| class="wikitable"
| colspan="4" |Purpose driven - social media
|Year of Creation
|Helping members of the Federal Public Sector of Canada get the support they need to reach their personal and career goals.
|GC Mentorship and Career
|Simple hub gathering GC creative thinkers together!
Job opportunities
Information Exchange
|Unofficial GC Creative Services/Innovation Tank
|The purpose of this group is to share French language learning resources plus tips, tricks and advice to help prepare for the Government of Canada French language exams, including the reading comprehension, written (grammar) and oral interaction.
|<nowiki>GC French Tests Preparation (unofficial) | Facebook</nowiki>
|The “GC Support Network (Informal/Unofficial)” is a platform where public servants discuss issues, problems, and concerns they face in their work in the Government of Canada. It is an unofficial support network comprised of a community of public servants sharing lived experiences.
|GC Support Network (Informal/Unofficial)
|Unofficial group for discussion topics, questions, job seekers, hiring managers and more on the topic of Organizational Design and Classification in the Government of Canada.
|GC - Org Design & Classification - Informal/Unofficial
|This group is for term and indeterminate GC employees who currently or wish to work in the field of Gs&Cs.
We may share job opportunities, but also share knowledge.
|GC Grants & Contributions Community (Informal/Informel)
|Unofficial, informal group for casual job seekers in order to connect with hiring managers.
Groupe non officiel et informel pour les chercheurs d'emploi occasionnels afin de facilité le contact avec les gestionnaires d'embauche.
|EN + FR
|GoC Casual Administrative Workers "Informal/Unofficial"
|A group for discussing common parenting issues when working for the Government of Canada. Examples include Leave with Income Averaging, maternity and parental leave, Phoenix, EAP, pumping at work, and anything else that seems relevant. Please limit membership to employees of the Government of Canada and their spouses.
|<nowiki>GOC Parents group | Facebook</nowiki>
|This group posts Government of Canada jobs available to students, entry-level employees, recent grads, and mid-level employees. Opportunities could be permanent (indeterminate) or casual/term/co-op.
This group is intended for the following:
- Current students looking for co-ops and FSWEPs and;
- AS01/CR04/PM01/FI01/EC01 (etc) level up to EC06, AS06, PM06, FI03, etc.
|<nowiki>GoC jobs for students, recent grads/entry-level, and mid-career | Facebook</nowiki>
|This group is an informal group for ONLY CURRENT Indigenous (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) Public Servants and Senior Management seeking to hire Indigenous employees. All questions must be answered before joining this group.
|<nowiki>GOC Informal Recruiting Indigenous Employees | Facebook</nowiki>
|'''<nowiki>Telework GoC / Télétravail GdC | Facebook</nowiki>'''
A collegial place for sharing information, advice and experiences of teleworking, dans les deux langues officielles.