Open Data Oath

Version 1.0 - Draft to be posted soon

Background - Help us crowdsource an Open Data Oath

The following message was posted on a wall at the 2019 #OGPCanada Summit:

An idea was born at the #OGPCanada Unconference on Tuesday, May 29, 2019: Help advance the Open Data movement by creating an Oath that will unite members from the Open Data Community throughout the world.

Today, and for the rest of the #OGPCanada Summit, we will test that idea.

First, we are asking participants to help us polish the Oath by either adding/removing copy; editing grammar; providing translation; and sharing the oath (in it's current state) with your network.

Those of us who were part of the #OGPCanada Unconference will take your feedback and provide the community with v1 .1 of the Open Data Oath in the coming weeks.

Thank you and follow this story at #OpenDataOath

The Open Data Oath

Will be posted following the #OGPCanada Unconference for you to edit to and update.