

This page was developed to share resources related to the new post-market provisions under the Medical Devices Regulations, published in Canada Gazette, Part II on December 23, 2020.

If you have questions, please contact MDD's post-market division at mdd.postmarket-postcommercialisation.dim@hc-sc.gc.ca or the BSN Chairs at hpfb-bsn@hc-sc.gc.ca.

Links to online resources

Four guidance documents are available to support the interpretation of the new or updated post-market provisions in the Medical Devices Regulations that were published in Canada Gazette Part II on December 23, 2020. The "List of regulatory agencies and foreign jurisdictions" sets out the regulatory agencies and foreign jurisdictions for the purposes of section 61.2 of the Regulations.


Information sessions have been offered by Health Canada related to the new post-market provisions. Presentation slide decks are available for viewing.

Questions & answers

Questions & answers documents were prepared in response to enquiries received.

Foreign risk notification (FRN)

Summary Report


Forms are available to support compliance with the new regulations.

Foreign risk notification (FRN)


The language about summary reporting has changed in the Medical Devices Regulations. What is the difference? Have the requirements changed?

Health Canada amended sections 61.4 to 61.6 of the Medical Devices Regulations (summary reporting provisions) to clarify the language and to align with the summary reporting provisions introduced for Part 1.1 of the Medical Devices Regulations. The new regulations in Part 1.1 describe ongoing regulations that continue accelerated access to COVID-19 medical devices for which there is an urgent public health need without relying on temporary regulatory measures.

While the language in the summary reporting provisions has been revised to be clearer, the intent is the same. As such, the requirements have not changed.

To understand and comply with the regulatory requirements for summary reports, refer to our guidance document.