Federal Provincial Territorial COVID-19 web management working group/July 20 2021

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  • Travel
    • Updated alerts based on August 9th changes
    • Updates based on fully vaccinated content
    • Making updates based on Feedback
  • Vaccines
    • Looking to have more information up around children and youth
    • Still waiting for Health Canada authorization for Moderna for ages 12-17
    • Coming updates for NACI
  • Overall
    • Usage of mobile has been creeping up
      • Mobile on vaccine content was 74% last week - usual is around 55%
    • Lots of interest in Moderna - as many people are getting this as their second dose
    • Average around 250 k visits per day to Health pages
  • PCO
    • Lots of focus and interest around border crossing and easing of restrictions
    • Focusing on reopening and supporting businesses
  • TBS
    • New post up on blog.canada.ca. “3 steps to make links more effective”
    • Newsletter is going out later this week
  • Ontario
    • Updating the Travel content this week

Forward planning - Susan

  • Shared HC priorities and did a roundtable for content pieces. They are building on the document.
  • Ontario
    • In a transition period
      • Working on a post-pandemic plan.
  • Yukon
    • Focusing on restrictions and vaccinations
  • Nova Scotia
    • Have been focusing on two websites:
      • COVID one
      • Then a microsite reopening one - what becomes of this after
    • This was the best way to present it, but ends up with lots of duplication
    • Phase 4 is going to last a long time after herd immunity.
    • Curious about how older content is managed from previous phases.
  • NWT
    • Working through emerging widely plan which was released a month and a half ago
    • Focusing on now, leisure travel.
    • Targets are based on vaccination rates of 75%
    • When leisure travel reached, there will still be isolation requirements for unvaccinated travellers
    • Focus is on promoting vaccination
  • PEI
    • Borders have opened more. Each person who arrives needs a PEI pass and proof of vaccination.
    • Reduced vaccination
    • The focus will be on reducing broken links.
  • Manitoba
    • Focusing on reopening
      • Called it 4,3,2,1 reopening site
    • Focusing on immunization records
      • Attending public events/compliance - will need a record to attend

Call out for discussion items for the next meeting

  • Microsites and architectures
    • IT capacity around broken links
  • ArriveCAN/border

Notes and action items

  • Presentation: