Updating an existing kiosk
- New kiosk request
- Submit a request for a new kiosk to techlab-labtech@csps-efpc.gc.ca
- The Tech lab will analyzes the request and send you an information package to review.
- Review the steps for Planning and creating a your new kiosk.
- Fill out the Kiosk Content Submission Form.doc (required)
- Determine who will design the kiosk (you, a designer in your team, Comms/multimedia team?)
- Design the kiosk
- Will you be doing a mock up to help plan your kiosk design?
- Review the Kiosk Mock-up Creation Guide.doc
- Create a design mock up using a Kiosk Mockup template.ppt
- Review the Kiosk image specifications
- Consult the Creating your Final Kiosk Design, as required.
- Produce the final kiosk design using the Blank canvas provided by Tech Lab.
- Perform internal review and obtain final approvals on kiosk content and design.
- Export the kiosk panels to .png format, in high resolution.
- Submit the final images and the Content Submission Form to techlab-labtech@csps-efpc.gc.ca.
- Tech Lab will develop the kiosk and share the link to the kiosk once available.