Project Fox It

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Project Fox It, the ROEB Enquiries Management Transformation Initiative, started in May 2022. The objective of the project is to develop tools to help programs better manage the enquiries they receive from the public. The project aims to deliver the branch strategies that allow it to be more efficient in it’s management of critical internal resources, more effective in it’s response to the public, while promoting a consistent standard of service across Programs to the public.

Project context

A key priority of the branch is to inform Canadians about health risks associated to products, substances and their environment. This includes educating stakeholders on various Canadian regulatory requirements as part of promoting compliance in the market. In order to facilitate this learning, several programs within the branch have open channels of communication for the public to make enquiries -– requests for information—from Health Canada. The range of the requests vary significantly and depend on factors such as the background of the stakeholder (e.g. the end-user of a product vs. the manufacturer of a product), nature of the request, types of products involved, which program is being contacted. Ultimately, no matter the enquiry the branch, and organization, work to ensure that every enquiry that is received is appropriately responded to with the latest information in a manner that reflects the quality and reputation of the Government of Canada.

It is estimated that the Branch receives more than 10,000 enquiries from the public on an annual basis. These enquiries are received through a variety of communication channels and how they are managed can vary greatly depending on which program receives the enquiry.

Presently there is no branch-wide oversight or awareness of how each program is actively managing enquiries. The lack of understanding prevents the branch from establishing consistent practices, sharing best practices, and identifying emerging needs and areas from improvement.

Through Project Fox It the branch will attempt to properly understand how it is currently managing enquiries across it’s various programs, but more importantly, help programs collectively innovate and improve on this critical business function.

Project goals and approach

Understanding and Analysis

The first milestone of the project is the completion of a baseline exercise with programs in the branch to establish their current state of enquiry management. This phase will be characterized learning from how each Program has adapted it’s approach and resources to meet the need of responding to enquiries.

By comparing the feedback from each Program, the project will attempt to understand, analyze and identify successful strategies that can be shared Branch-wide and also recognize areas that would require additional support to improve. Additionally, the analysis of current state results will encourage and promote co-operation and co-ordination between Programs depending on needs and priorities.


Through the use of surveys and partnerships with external stakeholders (programs, departments, and agencies outside of ROEB that are in public sector), the project will aim to gather feedback and insight to better understand what

a) Are the service expectations of the public (e.g. the enquirer) when contacting a Program

b) Modern tools, techniques and strategies could be used by the Branch to improve it’s enquiry management process


Using the data and analysis from the current state assessments, feedback from clients, and modern strategies from external stakeholders, the focus of Project Fox It will be to help outline a Enquiry Management Transformation Roadmap for the Branch. The roadmap would be made up of a series of short, medium, and long term goals that help individual Programs improve their own framework while also developing and implementing a vision for a Branch enquiry management strategy.


The project will work collectively with it’s stakeholders to help empower and support programs in achieving their change targets while delivering on branch’s short, medium and long term goals. As needed the project will continue to assess, evaluate, and adapt to changing priorities and emerging information.

What can you expect

A successful enquiries management strategy is extends beyond establishing the organization as a trusted source of information and provider of excellent customer service to the public. It is an ongoing exchange of information and feedback from the public about their needs, concerns and priorities. Questions and requests for information that reflect their products, companies, and environment. In the future, a successful enquiries management framework would not only ensure an efficient, effective, and consistent management of enquiries but also empower the Branch to leverage the information learned from enquiries to help shape and prioritize it’s compliance and enforcement mandate. Allowing the Branch to be more agile and responsive to an regulatory landscape.