GC Panel Pledge - l’Engagement GC relatif aux panels

The GC Panel Pledge aims to increase the representation of:

  • Indigenous Employees
  • Black Employees
  • Racialized Employees
  • Disabled Employees
  • 2SLGBTQIA+ Employees
  • Religious Minorities
  • and Women

in all GC events at the local, regional and national level.

The Panel Pledge is a commitment taken by public sector panelists, facilitators and event organizers to affirm their commitment to diversity, inclusivity and Anti-Racism and anti-discrimination. Upholders of the Pledge will ensure they only support events whose speakers, moderators and facilitators are representative of the true diversity of Canada. The Panel Pledge is in response to the Clerk’s Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion and in support of the areas of focus of Beyond 2020 to promote the representation of systemically marginalized groups.