Mandate Letter

Revision as of 16:51, 20 February 2022 by Liliya.ishkaeva (talk | contribs)


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Welcome Message from Troy Crosby, Assistant Deputy Minister


5 Commitments - 5 Responsibilities to Diversity and Inclusion

1. Building a respectful, accessible, diverse, psychologically safer, and inclusive workspace We are calling on all the leaders of Materiel Group to come together to establish psychological

safety in our organization. The goal is to create an environment where employees are not only

included, fully engaged, and encouraged to collaborate, but also where they feel respected,

confident and motivated. Leaders must engage team members and prioritize psychological

safety alongside operational objectives. Creating healthy and supportive spaces that will foster

intercultural competence and tolerance, and uplifting each other are fundamental to

psychological safety, preventing and stopping cases and instances of unacceptable conduct.

Preventive measures include: hosting open discussions with our teams to inform on

harassment in the workplace and advise on possible strategies to address it; participating in

learning opportunities such as Ask Me Anything, Town Halls and Jam Sessions, and learning

about the resources available to all members; raising awareness about the existence of

unconscious bias; and, promoting access to centrally curated resources and processes in

support of diversity and inclusion.

2. Partnering to build resilient, sustainable communities We will create and maintain workplaces, events, and workgroups that support work on

diversity and inclusion. Based on values of open-mindedness, compassion, equity, and fairness,

these spaces will encourage members to contribute their best efforts and ideas and share their

diverse backgrounds, authentic selves, and talents. These spaces will inspire colleagues to take

meaningful actions towards evolving our workplaces and our communities to be connected,

adaptable, resilient, and sustainable.

3. Expanding Unconscious and Conscious Bias Education. We will support ongoing learning opportunities and expand knowledge materials on

unconscious and conscious biases and objective staffing processes. We will continue to

strongly encourage leaders and members to attend learning opportunities such as listening

circles, Jam Sessions, and monthly Ask Me Anything events. Events such as these introduce us

to different backgrounds and experiences and allow us to walk in another person's shoes. They

serve as a step towards creating a psychologically safer workplace and preventative measures

against unacceptable conduct. In a diverse, inclusive, and psychologically safe environment,

leaders and members make better decisions for our organization and do their best work for


4.Share Best and Previously Ineffective Practices We will share best and ineffective practices through ongoing dialogue within teams using a

library of resources, including the #AMAChallenge, Cascade conversations, Jam Sessions, and

bi-weekly L1 Working Group Meetings on Diversity and Inclusion. We will welcome feedback

from colleagues to update and improve the library of resources. We will share what has worked

and what has not, which will help attain equity and fairness, and evolve our organizations'

future. Sharing our best and previously ineffective practices is vital for ongoing annual updates

to the Mandate Letter.

5. Commitment to Working Together on the Diversity and Inclusion Plan Our commitment to working together begins with fulfilling the commitments

contained in the Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan. We commit to using the

Companion Guide attached to this Mandate Letter and adding relevant actions at

Annual Performance Reviews. We're making daily commitments to consciously create

an inclusive workplace and using resources and tools to address unconscious and

conscious biases. By leaders and members working together on the Commitments,

our organization will illustrate diversity and inclusion's power in decision-making and

in encouraging Federal Public Servants to contribute their best efforts and ideas.