WHM-MHF Testimonials

Revision as of 15:35, 1 September 2021 by Kathleen.burgess (talk | contribs)

Participate in Women's History Month.png
Opportunity for employees // Opportunité pour les employés

Opportunity for networks // Opportunité pour les réseaux

🚧 This page is currently in development! // Cette page est actuellement en cours de développement! 🚧

A French message follows / le français suit :

The TBS Social Media team is working on the department's social media campaign for Women's History Month 2021, taking place from October 1 – 31.🎉 We would like to work with our colleagues in equity and professional networks to publish first-person testimonials on the Your Government at Work Facebook account, TBS corporate Twitter, the thematic Digital Government Twitter account, and/or TBS LinkedIn to mark this commemorative event.

This year’s theme is still to be determined by Women and Gender Equality Canada; however, we are open to you taking the piece in whatever direction you prefer. For example, your submission could be used an opportunity to issue a message of solidarity and support to women, trans women, genderfluid and non-binary people in the Government of Canada. Alternatively, you could choose to share a more personal story about what Women's History Month means to you.

The questions outlined in the document below may help as writing prompts. Feel free to answer them directly and have the TBS Social Media team create a short article based on your responses. Or you can incorporate your responses into a short paragraph yourself!

➡️ [[File: ]]

The following are three samples of testimonials we have published for other commemorative campaigns:

1️⃣ Post by Meagan Commonda for National Public Service Week

2️⃣ TBS tweet by Christopher Lawton and Jason Marshall for Pride Season

3️⃣ TBS LinkedIn post by Adwoa Gyasi-Nimako for Emancipation Day


Once ready, please send your post to the TBS social media team.

You can include your name, role, department and pronouns with your submission. Photos are also welcome!

If you wish to make your submission anonymously, please submit your answers through the following form:

➡️ [Anonymous Google Form - Women's History Month 2021]

Finally, we encourage you to use this opportunity to mark other special events of note that take place in October, such as, but not limited to:

⏺️ Cyber Security Awareness Month

⏺️ Disability Employment Awareness Month

⏺️ Mental Health Month

⏺️ Healthy Workplace Month

⏺️ Islamic History Month

⏺️ Breast Cancer Awareness Month

⏺️ Mental Illness Awareness Week

Thank you for considering sharing your unique experience(s) for Women's History Month 2021. - TBS Social Media


L’équipe des médias sociaux du SCT travaille à l’élaboration de la campagne du ministère dans les médias sociaux pour la saison de la Fierté 2021, qui aura lieu du 1er juin au 31 août. Nous aimerions travailler avec nos collègues des réseaux d’équité et des réseaux professionnels afin de publier des témoignages à la première personne pour célébrer l’évènement sur Votre gouvernement à l’œuvre, sur le compte Twitter du SCT, le compte Twitter thématique Gouvernement numérique, et/ou sur le compte LinkedIn du SCT afin de souligner cet événement commémoratif.

Une fois prêt, veuillez envoyer votre article à l'équipe des médias sociaux du SCT.