TBS PrideSeason

Opportunity for all employees // Opportunité pour tous les employés Opportunity for LGBTQ2+ employees // Opportunité pour les employés LGBTQ2+

The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat is offering not one, but two opportunities for public servants to participate in Pride Season!

1️⃣ Open to all public servants: record a short video on camera celebrating Pride Season from home.

➡️ https://wiki.gccollab.ca/Opportunity_for_employees

2️⃣ Open to all LGBTQ2+ public servants: publish a first-person testimonial in celebration of Pride Season on the Your Government at Work Facebook account.

➡️ https://wiki.gccollab.ca/Opportunity_for_LGBTQ2%2B

Le Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada offre non pas une, mais deux opportunités aux fonctionnaires de participer à la saison des fiertés !


➡️ https://wiki.gccollab.ca/Opportunity_for_employees

2️⃣ ➡️ https://wiki.gccollab.ca/Opportunity_for_LGBTQ2%2B