GCcollabCRA AI ethics lifelong learning and professional development strategy

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AI Ethics Speaker Series

The following graphic recordings are from the first Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics speaker series held virtually on June 22nd, 24th and 29th 2021 at the Canada Revenue Agency . This series was presented as a part of the “Lifelong Learning and Professional Development strategy for Artificial Intelligence” in the Agency. The strategy is connected to the AI Roadmap for the CRA. This will be the first of many speaker and formal learning events that explore the issues surrounding Artificial Intelligence, Digital, Innovation, and Automated Decision Making through the lens of ethics and ethical appraisal. The next speaker series is in September 2021.

The June AI Ethics speakers series featured a variety of nationally and internationally recognized experts on AI and ethics. Each of the speaker sessions focused on a different topic of relevance in terms of thinking about Artificial Intelligence both within the Agency, and within the Government of Canada more broadly. The speakers represented different viewpoints, different disciplinary perspectives, and offered us different ways of demonstrating ethical principles in action.