GC Web Priorities-July 5 2021 - Priorités Web du GC-5 juillet 2021


1. Updates

2. Roundtable

Notes and action items

BC Wildfires: Call out BC wildfire content and/or services

  • Last week, Service Canada added a targeted geotargeting link for only people in BC to help them find Service Canada information and services. They will connect with PS.
  • Public Safety is launching an evergreen wildfire page this week that will point to relevant content and services.
  • Please reach out to Heather O’Connell if you have any questions.


  • Amplification channel: We created an # amplification channel in Slack for blog posts and social media.
    • We will be sharing our blog posts there and encourage you to share posts too that would benefit the community.
  • Continuing work on Travel
  • Resuming work on the GC design system.
    • Putting together a project team with CDS and PP. More to come.



  • Merged flying and driving checklist page into 1 page: COVID-19 vaccinated travellers.
  • Updates to visitors and foreign workers pages (e.g. If you’re still waiting for a result)
  • Working on consolidated checklist page
  • Lessons learned note: communication challenges with putting July 5th at 11:59:59 pm, intended to be interpreted as starting July 6th, caused confusion with media and travellers as they didn’t note the time and communicated that it was changing July 5th.


  • Updated vaccine safety page on myocarditis and product pages
  • Consolidating guidance pages
  • Additional NACI updates in coming weeks on various recommendations


  • Things quieted down the past few days
  • Just got 100 M unique visitors to COVID info on Canada.ca since January 2020 (also almost at the 200M unique visits mark)
  • Average 190-200K visits per day
  • Mobile is most used - 63%


  • Thank you to everyone who is working on the Travel file!
  • If you need anything, please reach out to Mary Beth and Brenna.
  • Creating a working group for reopening and recovery, please reach out to Mary Beth (PCO), Brenna (PCO), or M-R (DTO)


  • Monitoring content on wildfire
  • Working on engagement pieces to present to the community in August when everyone is back


  • Bill C-30 received royal assent last week


  • Launched Canada Recovery Hiring Program on June 30
  • Upcoming change in the amounts for CRB


  • A few upcoming announcements, mostly through the regional development agencies:
    • Aerospace
    • Tourism fund launch - July 13th
    • Job growth - July 14th


  • Wildfires remain the priority


  • Trying out Yammer (part of Office 365 suite) for internal to government use. Will share more info as they have it.


  • Agriculture has moved their website address to agriculture.canada.ca.
  • If anyone has the old links, please update the links.
  • If you need help with the migration process, please reach out to Fiona Currie.


  • Looking at potentially removing Ministerial Profiles as they are largely duplicative with those on the PM site. However, the contact information is missing and there may be other considerations. More to come.

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

2. Tour de table

Notes et actions à prendre