Theme Management Committee Covid-September 2 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-2 septembre 2020


1. Updates

Notes and action items

1. Updates



  • COVID Alert app goes live in Newfoundland later today
  • New branding based on look and feel
  • The kids game is launching in Mid-October


  • New COVID branding is available - if there are questions about it, please reach out
  • Tomorrow there is a meeting of the COVID Metadata working group - if there is someone you think that should be on it, please let them know


  • New CERB extended period went live on Monday
  • Three more benefits coming out
  • Meeting with Lisa Fast (DTO) tomorrow about future testing
  • Working on Page Success Widget with DTO
2. Realtime updates for exposure locations - Melissa Teasdale (Principal Publisher)/Michael Lawson (Health Canada)
3. Travel exemptions testing results/wizard (TBC) - Scott Duncan (DTO)/David Pepin (DTO)/Co-chairs
  • Presentation:
  • Lots of work being done on travel wizard based on travel restrictions
  • DTO has done a lot of testing and a prototype
  • We did testing with Canadians and non-Canadians given it’s the topic of travelling
  • Huge collaboration between departments
  • Approvals is a roadblock
  • Demos (showing people the logic) in approvals is a technique that DTO is using/piloting this approval process and it works
  • Having co-creation sessions where people look at the prototype and make changes together
  • Web is always changing

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

Notes et actions à prendre