Theme Management Committee Covid-July 13 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-13 juillet 2020


1. Updates

2. COVID exposure notifications app - Chelsea

3. Designing guidance - Susan/Peter

4. Roundtable

Notes and action items

  1. Updates


  • Working with CDS on Exposure Notifications App
  • Working with Global Affairs on Travel
  • Blog post about alerts coming out this week


  • Supporting & focusing on travel work
  • Hit over 1,000,000 notifications on Email Notifications Services


  • Looking for environment content. If you have any, please contact Mary Beth Baker.

Principal Publisher

  • AEM version 6.5 will be launched soon

2.  COVID exposure notifications app - Chelsea Novak (Head of Outreach- CDS)

  • Called “COVID alert app”
  • Launching soon
  • Working with Health Canada
  • Using her phone and walked through the app
  • People have questions about privacy:
    • Trust is essential
    • The app is voluntary and doesn’t track personal information
    • You can delete it at any time.
  • Ontario will be the first province to launch it.
  • Once you download the app, it runs on Bluetooth to collect codes from nearby phones
  • If you do test positive, you get a one-time 8-digit number and you enter your number in the app
  • Nobody gets information about you or the time you were with them
  • If you have been exposed, it will tell you where you go to get tested and how to self-isolate
  • PCO asked CDS to write a blog post about the process of getting the app ready
  • Please encourage others to download the app

3. Designing guidance - Susan Harper/Peter Smith

The deck came up when web teams were asked to work with policy around recovery.  Now, we are creating a product that web teams can use with policy colleagues around GC COVID-related guidance to set Canadians up for task success.

  • Every department goes through challenges with web
  • Guidance refers to any form of:
    • rules
    • regulations
    • legal requirements
  • Close collaboration means more than passing a document back and forth. It means creating a team consisting of people from digital comms and policy/program folks.

Is this a useful product? What does it need added to it? We want you to add to it. It would be really useful to share your roadblocks. Peter will put a link to it in Slack.

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

2. Application de notification d'exposition COVID - Chelsea

3. Concevoir d'orientations - Susan/Peter

4. Table ronde

Notes et actions à prendre