Theme Management Committee Covid-August 12 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-12 août 2020


  • Special session on WCAG 2.1 - Brad Souster, SSC

Notes and action items

  • Discussed the 2.0 version and the new 2.2 iss
  • Accessibility is essential
  • Government of Canada wants to be a leader in accessibility
    • TBS recommends 2.1 currently
    • Work is underway to move to 2.2
  • Meeting is going to be repeated and will be recorded next week
  • AAACT does one-on-one meetings about accessibility for web teams if departments need it
  • Send questions to

Ordre du jour

  • Session spéciale sur le WCAG 2.1 - Brad Souster, SPC

Notes et actions à prendre