Theme Management Committee Covid-July 20 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-20 juillet 2020


1. Updates

2. Task success widget - Patrick Lajeunesse and Lana Stewart (DTO)

3. Roundtable

Notes and action items

1. Updates


  • DTO blog post on Alert fatigue during COVID-19 went live last week
  • Social media goes out this week to advertise the blog post
  • Exposure notification app is launching on Friday
  • CANArrive app relaunching

Health Canada

  • New Travel landing page is going through approvals - it should go live in the next few days
  • Nothing else major to report


  • Celeste is on vacation for the next two weeks
  • If you need anything web-related, please contact Mary-Beth or Brenna Maher


  • Debbie is off for the next few weeks
  • Please contact Eric Guitard, Principal Publisher
2. Task success widget - Patrick Lajeunesse and Lana Stewart (DTO)
  • Build on work with Gerry McGovern
  • First version of the study we ran in June
  • Currently in Phase 2
  • Phase 3 will be done when analysis is complete and will be run continuously on COVID-19 phases
  • Throughout all the phases, we are collecting tasks
  • Showed what they did and results of experimentation
  • Will be sharing the data on the GC Wiki
  • It will be available on non-AEM sites as well.
  • Please feel free to reach out to Patrick, Lana, and Lisa if you have any questions
3. Roundtable


  • Economic response plan page will need tweaks with Peter’s help

ESDC - Jobs

  • Focusing on jobs page


  • Redesign of CEWS for the next little while
  • Work to do to prepare for moving  CERB people to EI


  • Discussions on optimizing travel content this week and landing page

Public Safety

  • Collaboration with Frauds and Scams

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

2. Widget succès de la tâche - Patrick Lajeunesse et Lana Stewart (BTN)

3. Table ronde

Notes et actions à prendre