Federal Provincial Territorial COVID-19 web management working group/June 9 2020


1. Introductions
2. Objectives of the meeting and the working group
3. Roundtable discussion: current successes and challenges for COVID-19 web response
4. Next steps

Opening remarks

Objectives of the meeting:

  • Build bridges with other jurisdictions
  • Learn what other jurisdictions are doing for COVID-19
  • Determine if there’s interest in a working group to improve COVID-19 web content

Objectives of the working group:

  • Share information, research and experiences with COVID-19 web content
  • Improve web coordination between jurisdictions so we can provide a better user experience for COVID-19 content



INTRODUCTIONS SK – Carolyn Hamilton – lots of demand for information (insatiable), site has mushroomed, brought in extra resources
MB – Richard Cormier – DComms/Engagement (public health), demand has mushroomed and expanded. Moved it March 13th to centralize it
ON – Emily Tamfo (ODS), Spencer Daniels (ODS), Lauren Sugar (Cabinet Office), Sarah Brown (ODS), Marcella Young (TBS), David Cox (Cabinet Office) – Ontario.ca, COVID site, PPE procurement directory for businesses (connect with suppliers), reporting quarterly basis, best practices for web
QC – Martin Boucher (Exec Dir DComms), Quebec.ca (June 4, 2018) - Min of Health content already integrated into Quebec.ca so that helped with COVID info
NS – Kara McAllister (Dir Web strategy), Allan Lawlor (Mgr) – COVID presence mushroomed, looking for collaboration, novascotia.ca, data visualization, website for reopening plan, content grows and top content on website (most visited)
PEI – Vera Lynn Weeks (Corp comms web editor), Beth Doucette (IT side) – “renew PEI together” phase, no cases in PEI now, phase 4, reopening, seasonal visitors may be allowed as borders have been closed, supporting web forms for programs/services/online operations, business processes has changed through pandemic
NWT – Umesh, Christina – on Nwt website, covid info increased and needed to create a stand alone website (May 5), interest in covid itself/testing, now it is more about reopening, restricted borders, anyone who comes in needs to go into 14 day mandatory isolation, phase I reopening, phase 2 in the next couple of weeks, travel restrictions will remain until there is a vaccine
YK – Joanne (digital content team), able to build site out really quickly being on a new site (migrated 2 years ago), interested in developing from a user standpoint
GC - Melissa Teasdale, Debbie Laurin (Principal Publisher) - provide Canada.ca infrastructure
GC - Mary Beth Baker, Celeste Cote (PCO) - coordination, facilitating, bringing people together, looking at analytics data including call centres
GC - Rob Wiebe, Susan Harper (Health Canada) - Management of Canada.ca/Coronavirus
GC - Peter Smith, Laura Piper (TBS) - research and design for Canada.ca, GC web standards, 100% reoriented towards supporting pandemic response since mid-March

Ordre du jour

1. Présentations
2. Objectifs de la réunion et du groupe de travail
3. Table ronde : succès et défis actuels de la réponse web face à COVID-19
4. Prochaines étapes

Remarques préliminaires

Objectifs de la réunion :

  • Établir des liens avec d'autres juridictions
  • Découvrir ce que d'autres juridictions font pour la COVID-19
  • Déterminer si la création d'un groupe de travail pour améliorer le contenu Web de la COVID-19 suscite de l'intérêt

Objectifs du groupe de travail :

  • Partager l'information, la recherche et les expériences concernant le contenu Web de la COVID-19
  • Améliorer la coordination Web entre les juridictions afin de fournir une meilleure expérience utilisateur pour le contenu de la COVID-19
