Theme Management Committee Covid-April 6 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-6 avril 2020


1. Updates

2. Key Messages

Notes and action items


CERB was launched this morning.

Key Messages

Laura (DTO) showed the draft summary of the key messages. We are putting together a document of key messages to share with senior management. We will be sharing it with you in the next few days.

Comments from TMC about what should be added to draft:  

  • Emphasize coordinated effort. Put it at the top - one government - we all have to work together.
  • Nicolas Pjontek: would like to add notes about analytics
  • Discussion about adding grade level in - won’t as it puts the focus too much on algorithms and takes away from overall content design
  • Define plain language? There is a link to the content style guide where it’s better defined

Penny Day: Love the key messages - Another issue we're having is that initial posting gets the agile get it up quick process and fix later with UX in mind. However, when later comes, it's no longer agile - UX has to prove its changes on a whole other scale - and it takes a long time.

Ania Wasilewski: In our experience there is actually time to go back after the fact and fix when we’re in crisis mode


Please continue to review the content inventory and IA map and share with us any comments you have.

Links from today's call

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

2. Messages clés

Notes et actions à prendre