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Revision as of 19:41, 30 March 2020 by Jeffrey.outram (talk | contribs)

MS365 Banner - Teams.png

Teams.PNG Word.PNG Excel.PNG PowerPoint.PNG SharePoint.PNG OneNote.PNG Outlook.PNG OneDrive.PNG

MS Teams - Training Materials

Below is a collecting of MS Teams training products to support public servants. Click on one of the following resources or feel free to add your own.

Articles and other Documents

Recorded Webinars

Exploring the Power of MS Teams

Upcoming Instructor-led Learning Events

Videos (Beginners)

What is MS Teams? Welcome to MS Teams Get your team up and running

Videos (Intermediate)

Go-to guide for team owners Organize your teams Overview of teams and channels
Show and hide channels Work in channels Send email to a channel
Create and format a post Get attention with @mentions Save a post or a message
Start and pin chats Create instant meetings with Meet now

Videos (Advanced)

Managing meetings Use apps Turn a file into a tab
Use the command box Filter your activity Managing notification settings