Models/Work to Do - SSC EA Team

Revision as of 13:51, 1 October 2019 by Stephen.anthony (talk | contribs)

Segment and SSC Service Diagrams

Item Accountable (Segment Architect) Responsible Status
Connectivity Segment Diagram Melissa Melissa Completed 20-09-2019
Connectivity Motivation Diagram Melissa Thomas Simpson Assigned 01-10-2019
Connectivity Capability Planning Diagram Melissa Melissa Started 01-10-2019
Intra-building Network Services - Business Process Coop Diagram Melissa Team + SKA Started (GC WiFi) 01-10-2019
Intra-building Network Services - Technology Usage Diagram Melissa Team + SKA Started (GC WiFi) 01-10-2019
Satellite - Business Process Coop Diagram Melissa Not Started
Internet - Business Process Coop Diagram Melissa Not Started
GC WAN - Business Process Coop Diagram Melissa Not Started
Hosting Segment Diagram Craig Bradley Craig Bradley
Hosting Motivation Diagram Craig Bradley
Hosting Capability Planning Diagram Craig Bradley
Security Segment Diagram
Security Motivation Diagram
Security Capability Planning Diagram
Procurement Management Segment Diagram
Procurement Management Motivation Diagram
Procurement Management Capability Planning Diagram
Platform Segment Diagram Craig Hill Craig Hill
Platform Motivation Diagram Craig Hill
Platform Capability Planning Diagram Craig Hill
Internal Support and Management Segment Diagram
Internal Support - Determine how to sub-divide.

Service Business Diagrams

  • Business Process Cooperation Diagrams for priority services in each segment. To be determined by segment architects and priorities.

Capability Planning Diagrams

Link SSC Services to capabilities.

  • Specifics TBD as service diagrams are initiated.

Motivation Diagrams

Motivation analysis - many things that can be done....

  • Create a motivation diagram detailing ITSG 22 [Jacques?]
  • Create a motivation diagram detailing ITSG 33 [Jacques?]
  • ITSP 22. There's a model (reference model) in the tool now. How to link to motivation? [SKA/Jacques]
  • SSC 3.0

Link Capabilities to Motivation

Tasks forthcoming....

SSC IT Standards

Replace the existing spreadsheet of IT Standards.

  • Determine proper object to use to represent standards in ArchiMate. (Driver, Goal, Requirement, Constraint?) [SKA]
    • And determine how to link to motivation (Driver/Goals/Outcome....) [SKA]
    • Choose an appropriate category to distinguish those objects, e.g.: "SSC IT Standard" [SKA]
    • Add to conventions and content metamodel. [SKA]
  • Modify the chosen object to have the attributes needed to support IT Standards (as we did based on the DND standard template). [Denise/SKA]
  • Populate the known IT Standards as a catalogue within Qualiware. [TBD]
  • Manage the IT Standards henceforth in QW.


  • Choose a category to associate with "high-level" applications that we want to report upon/track/list. [SKA]
  • Add to conventions/metamodel. [SKA]
  • Apply the category to existing applications in the system (Qualiware, GCDocs, BITS).
  • Prepare a demonstrative Matrix to display them [SKA]

Internal Management Models

  • BITS application architecture?
  • EBIDM/Business Intake... many process documents available. It's not an SSC service, but it should be.
  • Application management/reporting. CIO? What's in this report? What is that report called? What do we need to report on? Ask JOHN B.
  • Review and refine the EA process models.
  • PGoF model?
  • Service management framework? Service approval processes?

Bottom-Up - Foundation Technology Service Models

Services down may not always produce all the supporting architecture needed. May wish to consider a parallel "bottom-up" approach, identifying key areas of infrastructure, drawing from recently prepared RAD functional decompositions to identify reusable and key parts/pieces, e.g.: Data Center, Inter-building network, DNS, Active Directory, etc....