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Virtual Pavilion

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Parks Canada

Parks Canada Parcs logo

Parks Canada preserves and presents historic sites, marine conservation areas and parks of national significance in every corner of the country.

The Agency relies increasingly on digital solutions to help it achieve its mandate.

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Talent Platform

Whether you're thinking about joining government or already an employee, hoping to hire or considering a new role, this is the place to come to be part of the GC digital community.

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IT Apprenticeship Program for Indigenous Peoples

The program has been developed by, with, and for Indigenous peoples from across Canada. Its design incorporates the preferences and needs of Indigenous learners while recognizing the importance of community.

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The Honourable Anita Anand President of the Treasury Board
The Honourable Anita Anand President of the Treasury Board

The Honourable Anita Anand was first elected as the Member of Parliament for Oakville in 2019. She has previously served as Minister of Public Services and Procurement. Born and raised in rural Nova Scotia, she moved to Ontario in 1985. Minister Anand is a devoted leader with a proven record of service. Learn more.