Aperçu du programme DEAPCM Cohorte 3

Revision as of 18:26, 29 September 2023 by Lyrique.richards (talk | contribs)

Homepage | LLMC 2023 | EN

Semaine 1 - Parrainage et développement de carrière

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all 700 new members of the 2023 Lifting as You Lead Mentoring Circle program!

You raised your hand, put in the commitment and said yes.

I want to Lift as I Lead - I want to make the Public Service the best workplace in Canada and the world to serve in.

This 10-week mentoring and leadership development program will be a game changer for your career and we are so happy you are here.

Now let’s get started!

Prep before your Circle #1 - Sponsorship and Career Building

During the Circle

After the Circle

  1. Download the discussion guide here. All discussion guides are now available
  2. Watch the video on sponsorship and career building
  3. If you missed the September 19 LLMC Launch event you can watch the recording here
  4. Select who will be the Circle Leader and Assistant to facilitate the discussion.
  • Follow ground rules and values
  • Be respectful
  • Be camera ready
  • Have a stable Wi-Fi connection
  • Be committed
  • Microphone etiquette
  • Actively participate
  • Connect and have fun
  1. Complete the written component (mandatory)
  2. Check out the LLMC Learning Library Resources for Circle #1 on the wiki
  3. Attend the October 4 Masterclass - Sponsorship and Career Building
  4. Network and connect at the Friday LLMC Office Hours
  5. Network and Connect in GCMessage LLMC channel
Written Component

Masterclass 1 - Pourquoi tout le monde a besoin d'un mentor et d'un parrain

Written Component

Semaine 2 - Leadership inclusif

Prep before your Circle #2 - Inclusive Leadership

During the Circle

After the Circle

  1. Download the discussion guide here. All discussion guides are now available
  2. Watch the video on Why Good Leaders Make you Feel Safe
  3. If you missed the September 19 LLMC Launch event you can watch the recording here
  4. Select who will be the Circle Leader and Assistant to facilitate the discussion.
  • Follow ground rules and values
  • Be respectful
  • Be camera ready
  • Have a stable Wi-Fi connection
  • Be committed
  • Microphone etiquette
  • Actively participate
  • Connect and have fun
  1. Complete the written component (mandatory)
  2. Check out the LLMC Learning Library Resources for Circle #2 on the wiki
  3. Attend the October 18 Masterclass - Inclusive Leadership
  4. Network and connect at the Friday LLMC Office Hours
  5. Network and Connect in GCMessage LLMC channel
Written Component

Masterclass 2 - Leadership inclusif

Written Component

Semaine 3 - Maîtriser l'art de la négociation

Prep before your Circle #3 - Mastering the Art of Negotiation

During the Circle

After the Circle

  1. Download the discussion guide here. All discussion guides are now available
  2. Watch the video on Three Steps to Getting What You Want in a Negotiation
  3. If you missed the September 19 LLMC Launch event you can watch the recording here
  4. Select who will be the Circle Leader and Assistant to facilitate the discussion.
  • Follow ground rules and values
  • Be respectful
  • Be camera ready
  • Have a stable Wi-Fi connection
  • Be committed
  • Microphone etiquette
  • Actively participate
  • Connect and have fun
  1. Complete the written component (mandatory)
  2. Check out the LLMC Learning Library Resources for Circle #3 on the wiki
  3. Attend the October 30 Masterclass - Mastering the Art of Negotiation
  4. Network and connect at the Friday LLMC Office Hours
  5. Network and Connect in GCMessage LLMC channel
Written Component

Masterclass 3 - Maîtriser l'art de la négociation

Written Component

Semaine 4 - Diversité, équité et inclusion - Une approche non performative

Prep before your Circle #4 - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: A Non-Performative Approach

During the Circle

After the Circle

  1. Download the discussion guide here. All discussion guides are now available
  2. If you missed the September 19 LLMC Launch event you can watch the recording here
  3. Select who will be the Circle Leader and Assistant to facilitate the discussion.
  • Follow ground rules and values
  • Be respectful
  • Be camera ready
  • Have a stable Wi-Fi connection
  • Be committed
  • Microphone etiquette
  • Actively participate
  • Connect and have fun
  1. Complete the written component (mandatory)
  2. Check out the LLMC Learning Library Resources for Circle #4 on the wiki
  3. Attend the November 15 Masterclass - Black in the Matrix
  4. Network and connect at the Friday LLMC Office Hours
  5. Network and Connect in GCMessage LLMC channel
Written Component

Masterclass 4 - Noire dans la matrice - Diversité, équité et inclusion

Written Component

Semaine 5 - Naviguer votre carrière à travers le changement

Prep before your Circle #5 - Navigating Your Career Through Change

During the Circle

After the Circle

  1. Download the discussion guide here. All discussion guides are now available
  2. If you missed the September 19 LLMC Launch event you can watch the recording here
  3. Select who will be the Circle Leader and Assistant to facilitate the discussion.
  • Follow ground rules and values
  • Be respectful
  • Be camera ready
  • Have a stable Wi-Fi connection
  • Be committed
  • Microphone etiquette
  • Actively participate
  • Connect and have fun
  1. Complete the written component (mandatory)
  2. Check out the LLMC Learning Library Resources for Circle #5 on the wiki
  3. Attend the November 29 Masterclass - Emotional Odyssey: Unravelling the Mystery of Change and Navigating the Emotional Journey
  4. Network and connect at the Friday LLMC Office Hours
  5. Network and Connect in GCMessage LLMC channel
Written Component

Masterclass 5 - L'Odyssée émotionelle : Percer le mystère du changement et naviguer dans le voyage émotionnel

Written Component