DSO Centre for Development


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Our mission is to lead the development of a knowledgeable, resilient and integrated security community across the Government of Canada.


Since 2012, the Departmental Security Officer (DSO) Centre for Development (CfD) has been fulfilling its mandate of fostering security community development across the Government of Canada. Initially conceived to support the development of DSOs and increase readiness, the raison d'être of the CfD has evolved over time. Its activities are now aimed, not only at increasing readiness, but also at supporting the adoption of a strong security posture and culture across government. Our new mission statement, adopted as part of our Strategic Plan 2017-2022, focus on knowledge, resilience, and integration. These concepts permeate all the activities we undertake. Per example, the CfD works hard to develop or support sound security practices and to disseminate them widely. We do so by increasing our reach with online tools such as the GCconnex Security Readiness Forum (SRF), which is experiencing new growth.

Knowledge Integration Resilience.PNG

We are also paying particular attention to the development of the next generation of security practitioners and leaders. The Young Security Professionals (YSP) network is expanding, thanks to the efforts of participants who are providing ideas for networking/learning activities and who are hosting events.

To fulfill its mission, the Centre can count on a team of dynamic and dedicated security professionals. A short profile of the CfD members can be found on the DSO CfD page of the SRF and further down this page.


CfD Annual Report 2016-17

Read our 2016-17 Annual Report here! (GCconnex)

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Get in Touch

Ask us a question directly by contacting CfDGI-RGCdp@pco-bcp.gc.ca. We also encourage everyone to engage the GC security community online by posting your question to the Security Readiness Forum on GCconnex!

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