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What is Agile (ref ) Agile is a collection of methodologies. An iterative approach to project management and software development that focuses on collaboration, customer feedback, and rapid releases.

What is DevSecOps (ref ) DevOps is an approach to software development that enables teams to build, test, and release software faster. In a DevOps environment, developers and operations teams work side by side throughout the entire process of developing, deploying, and managing applications. Build small, fix fast, fail fast and learn well continuously. DevSecOps stands for development, security, and operations. It's an approach to culture, automation, and platform design that integrates security as a shared responsibility throughout the entire IT lifecycle.


DevSecOps CI/CD (ref CI/CD is a DevOps tactic, which makes use of the right automated testing tools to implement agile development. Continuous Integration is an engineering practice in which members of a development team integrate their code at a very high frequency, detection of errors in code in the early stages. Continuous Delivery is the practice of ensuring that code is always in a deployable state. All code changes – new features, bug fixes, experiments, configuration changes – are always ready for deployment to a production environment with the right CI/CD tools in place. Scale accordingly (to the size, complexity, and criticality of your project/product development cycle) The right fit automating as much as possible. See software factory.


DORA are we there yet? where are we now and what are we aiming for? thus, Agile maturity models are important. Minimize chasing chaos, fighting fires, with massive silos (knowledge sharing/growth limited), and a heroes welcome


How do you know where to go if you don't even know where you are now... need a sense of direction and strategy/map. Thus, a maturity model helps one aim towards some goal. Continuous improvement, continuous learning with knowledge growth with a client focus development and process improvement towards an objective/goal/mandate to improve the organization and meet client needs.


And, lets talk about requirements. Everyone thinks that - we're Agile! we don't need requirements cause the client/SME/stakeholder is right beside us every step of the way. But, we all know in reality getting the time/resources at the time you need key SMEs/stakeholders can be a challenge. (ref )


I have been on many many projects. Sure some don't require elaborate requirements depending upon the size, complexity, criticality, scope, costs, resources, experience/wisdom/knowledge etc... but many do - at least a baseline of SMART requirements which evolve. The best projects I have been on have been iterative, incremental and integrated in approach involving key SMEs/stakeholders producing prototypes and proof of concepts with a SMART baseline of requirements which evolve with time to manage scope, costs, resources, schedule, quality, risks... Without requirements where will you start? Requirements allow you to prioritize, categorize, trace, realize, measure/monitor/correct accordingly and continuously and risk assess. I've been on projects where scope was all over the place, so were costs and resources were heading in every direction. Requirements were no place to be found. A baseline of requirements that evolve provides direction.


Then comes the organization's culture, people, process, governance and tools which is important. Are we meeting the client's needs and organizational mandates/objectives/vision/goals?

The software factory:

Projects I have been on that were a success: Evolving 600 user stories (around 3000 derived requirements see page 75 ) from key SMEs/stakeholders using focus groups, surveys, and continuous feedback. Evolving key scenarios to prove the concepts working with the field units empowering staff, adhering to the laws of each province, building small correcting mistakes quickly iteratively with prototypes (Boeing failed building iteratively with many prototypes/proof of concepts, with key SMEs in the loop and a good baseline of requirements (from defense research), with good people, tools, process (achieved CMMI level 5) with direction, commitment, goals, small builds. I have been on failed projects as well, mostly due to lack of SMART requirements as scope, costs, direction, quality and risks all over the place. Requirements are critical, especially for mission-critical projects that evolve as a baseline. Build incrementally, iteratively and integrated in approach building prototypes/proof of concepts with key SMEs/stakeholders in the loop with a SMART baseline of requirements that are categorized, risk analyzed, prioritized managing scope, costs, schedule/resources, risks, quality and direction.

ref (diagrams are copies from ref)

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