ESDC Workplace & You - Master Your New Work Environment

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Mastering Your New Work Environment

The CFOB Change Management team has developed two training sessions to introduce you to ESDC Workplace and to provide you with knowledge and tools to successfully transition to this new way of working together.

This information session introduces ESDC employees to their new workplace. During the session, you’ll learn about the ESDC Workplace vision and the concept of Activity-Based Working (ABW).  You’ll find out more about why we are making these changes and what changes you can expect to see in your work environment and how they may impact the way you work.

You can learn more about the training offered by contacting your manager or Change Ambassador.

In this skills session, ESDC employees develop ways of working and using their ESDC Workplace to support their physical health and well-being, and to promote practices that foster a harmonious environment. You’ll learn more about navigating your new ESDC workplace and develop the skills that will help you successfully transition.   

You can learn more about the training offered by contacting your manager or Change Ambassador.