Western Region Modern Treaties Support
Hello and WELCOME!
For all other stakeholders, please reach out to Indigenous Procurement Policy Directorate at mailto:TPSGC.PAApprovisionAutochtone-APIndigenousProc.PWGSC@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca
**This page is considered an ever-green resource**
Indigenous Considerations in WR Government Procurement
THE WHAT: This Wiki page is a starting point to explore and understand GOC's obligations for when there's a requirement located a Modern Treaty (also known as Comprehensive Land Claim Agreements [CLCAs]) area and/or if you are considering Indigenous opportunities in your procurement, in general (not located in a Modern Treaty area). Requirements that are subject to Modern Treaties often require a unique set of procedures and must be reviewed by our Modern Treaty Support Team. The resources found in this section will help you through these procedures and direct you to the applicable resources.
THE WHY: Considering Indigenous opportunities in procurement is strongly encouraged and can be found in our Minister's mandate letter. There is no requirement too big or too small. We must take every opportunity to realize social benefits in federal contracting. We must develop and sustain a positive working relationship with the claimant groups, northern partners, be proactive and develop trust, encourage open communication, be flexible but realistic and realize that each agreement is unique.
Modern Treaties
Modern Treaties (also known as Comprehensive Land Claim Agreements [CLCAs]) area - minus the Nunavut Settlement Area (NSA) (please see Nunavut Information and Procedures tab).
Most requirements that take place in a Modern Treaty (CLCA) area must include Indigenous Benefit Plan (IBP) (as known as Indigenous Opportunities Considerations [IOC]). There are no requirements that are too big or too small. We must take every opportunity to realize socio-economic benefits in federal contracting. Please explore this page as it will help you to understand your obligations and will point you to the appropriate resources to support you in your implementation.
Most requirements that take place in the NSA must include Inuit considerations including Inuit and Nunavut benefit evaluation criteria. There are no requirements that are too big or too small. We must take every opportunity to realize socio-economic benefits in federal contracting. Please explore this page as it will help you to understand your obligations and will point you to the appropriate resources to support you in your implementation.
** NEW** November 2021, CSPS released a 5 and a half minute video titled “Introduction to Procurement Obligations in the Nunavut Settlement Area”! Click here to WATCH!
Western Region Modern Treaty Guide
The Western Region Modern Treaty Support Team has created a reference guide to provide PSPC's clients with an overview of the key activities required to be taken and considered when completed a procurement project within a Modern Treaty(CLCA) area.
You can access the Full Guide here File:Western Region Modern Treaty Guide (1).pdf
You can access the one-pager here
Indigenous Market Capacity
What you will find on this page? On this page you will find a list of Indigenous Business Directories that can help assess Indigenous Capacity for your requirement.
Indigenous Business Directories: Indigenous Services Canada Directory: Indigenous Business Directory - Contact ISC for assistance performing advanced search
Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements Application (SOSA App)
For a list of Inuit businesses for the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement and for the Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement, consult the Makivik Business website.
For a list of Cree businesses for the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, consult the Grand Council of the Crees business directory.
For a list of Naskapi businesses in the Northeastern Quebec Settlement Area, consult the Naskapi Business Directory
For a list of Inuvialuit businesses in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, consult the Inuvialuit Business List.
For a list of Gwich'in businesses in the Gwich'in Settlement Area, consult the Gwich'in Business Directory.
For a list of Inuit businesses in the Nunavut Settlement Area, consult the Inuit Firm Registry.
For more information on Tlicho businesses, visit the Tlicho Business website.
For a list of Inuit businesses in the Labrador Inuit Settlement Area, consult the Nunatsiavut Government's Business Directory page.
For a list of Kwanlin Dun First Nation businesses, consult the Kwanlin Dun Business Listings website.
For a list of Na-Cho Nyak Dun businesses, consult the Na-Cho Nyak Dun Development Corporation Businesses and Partnerships website.
For a list of Tsawwassen First Nations businesses, consult the Tsawwassen Business Directory website.
For a list of Maa-Nulth First Nations businesses, consult the following Maa-Nulth First Nations business websites: a. Huu-ay-aht First Nations b. Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k’tles7et’h First Nations c. Toquaht Nation
Canadian Council for Indigenous Business: https://www.ccab.com/
Union Gas: https://www.uniongas.com/about-us/community/indigenous/business-list
Indigenous Business and Investment Council: https://www.bcibic.ca/
Canadian Indigenous and Minority Supplier Council: www.camsc.ca
Province of Manitoba: https://www.gov.mb.ca/inr/
Province of Ontario: https://www.ontario.ca/page/indigenous-businesses-bidding-government-contracts
Native Women’s Association of Canada: https://www.nwac.ca/womens-business-directory/
Certified Métis Business Directory SaskMétis Business Directory | Certified Saskatchewan Métis Business (saskmetisworks.ca)
NEW Determining Indigenous Business Availability File:WR Modern Treaty Guide - One Pager 20220126.pdf
Useful Guide on doing market research specific to Indigenous Capacity
Training Resources
GCCampus online courses – Canada School of Public Service Indigenous Learning Series
1. Federal Implementation of Modern Treaties and Self-Government Agreements (K208) https://catalogue.csps-efpc.gc.ca/product?catalog=IRA145&cm_locale=en
Topics include:
- understanding the historical, legal and policy context of modern treaties and self-government agreements
- reviewing the content and structure of agreements
- clarifying the roles and responsibilities of federal officials
- reviewing the implementation process and its challenges
- building strong relationships and resolving disputes
2. Indigenous Learning Series: https://learn-apprendre.csps-efpc.gc.ca/application/en/content/indigenous-learning-series In this section, there is a series of podcasts of stories from Indigenous Public Servants, video, a historical timeline and cultural protocols guide.
3. GCampus courses: A Journey Towards Reconciliation: Canada through a New Lens (on-line)
- Reconciliation begins with me (K105) https://learn-apprendre.csps-efpc.gc.ca/application/en/content/reconciliation-begins-me-k105
- Procurement in Nunavut Settlement Area (COR410) https://app.csps-efpc.gc.ca/d2l/home/7841
- Indigenous Considerations in Procurement (COR409) https://app.csps-efpc.gc.ca/d2l/home/8717
- Cultural Self-Reflection: What I Know and What I Don't Know (K099) https://learn-apprendre.csps-efpc.gc.ca/application/en/content/application/en/content/cultural-self-reflection-what-i-know-and-what-i-dont-know-k099
- The Uncomfortable Truth (K100) https://learn-apprendre.csps-efpc.gc.ca/application/en/content/uncomfortable-truth-k100
- First Nations in Canada (K101) https://learn-apprendre.csps-efpc.gc.ca/application/en/content/first-nations-canada-k101
- Métis in Canada (K102) https://learn-apprendre.csps-efpc.gc.ca/application/en/content/metis-canada-k102
- Inuit in Canada (K103) https://learn-apprendre.csps-efpc.gc.ca/application/en/content/inuit-canada-k103
- KAIROS Blanket Exercise (K104) https://learn-apprendre.csps-efpc.gc.ca/application/en/content/kairos-blanket-exercise-k104
External Links and Resources
Government of Canada Resources:
- Indigenous Peoples: A Guide to Terminology
Western Region Modern Treaty Support Team Contacts
WR CLCA Inbox (Modern Treaty Support Team)
Modern Treaty Support Team Members
Anthony Tiet: mailto:anthony.tiet@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca
Ashley Tegart: [[1]]
Monnette Calixto: mailto:monnette.calixto@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca
Crystal Villanueva: mailto:crystal.villanueva@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca
HQ Indigenous Procurement and Policy Directorate (IPPD):
Indigenous Procurement Policy Directorate at mailto:TPSGC.PAApprovisionAutochtone-APIndigenousProc.PWGSC@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca
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