ISEDCC in a Nutshell

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The Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Charitable Campaign (ISEDCC) team is proud to be working in partnership with and under the guidance of the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign, the largest workplace charitable campaign in Canada.

ISEDCC is an annual fundraiser that allows departmental employees to consolidate their charitable giving, with the proceeds going to United Way/Centraide in Canada, HealthPartners and/or any of the over 86,000 registered Canadian charities.

In each campaign period, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) launches a new and exciting campaign introducing new champions, team captains and ambassadors. Each year brings with it a new theme, new departmental targets and more, as ISED prepares for an ambitious agenda with new goals and objectives.

Here, in a nutshell, ISED presents to you ISEDCC 2023.