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Introduction to Modeling - Archimate in Qualiware
This guide is intended for SSC architects modeling using ArchiMate in Qualiware. Currently, it focuses on very high-level business modeling, specifically about SSC Catalog Services.
Login to QualiWare
- If you don’t have access already, request an account for Qualiware from Steve Leslie: [1]. You will receive an email with instructions.
- Click on your QLM-Desktop RDP icon
- Enter your standard desktop login credentials (email address and usual desktop password) (or follow the email instructions you've been sent above).
- Click OK on the warning screen. You will then see a remote desktop instance.
- Click on the appropriate Qualiware icon to start the Qualiware Lifecycle Manager on the remote instance:
- If you receive a warning, simply click Run.
- Select “Windows Authentication” and click “Connect".
- Select repository "SSC Dev" (In future, this will be "SSC Prod")
- Select Configuration "Base Configuration" (the default - in future this may change).
Starting a New Model: SSC Catalog Service
- Click on the “ArchiMate” folder at the bottom left of the screen.
- Select “LayeredViewpoint:ArchiMate”.
- This is where most of the current models and examples exist.
- We’ve not explored (and probably will not explore in the near future) the other viewpoints listed.
- The exception is the “CapabilityMapViewpoint:Archimate” template – which, as you would expect, contains the SSC Capability Models.
- Check out the examples:
- Catalog Service: Mobile Device
- Technical Service: Data Center Facilities Management
- Don’t forget to follow the metamodel:
- Guidance: Content Metamodel
- Guidance: Content Guidelines
- Create a new “LayeredViewpoint: ArchiMate”
- Give it the name: “Catalog Service: YOURFULLSERVICENAMEHERE”