Collecting and Using Disaggregated Data

Revision as of 09:53, 8 November 2022 by Samuel.burke (talk | contribs)


December 7, 2022 | 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm (ET)


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Tony Labillois

Director General, Justice, Diversity and Population Statistics Branch, Social, Health and Labour Statistics Field, Statistics Canada

With more than 30 years of experience at Statistics Canada, including more than 22 years in the management team, Tony has acquired a vast experience in leadership, in sound management of programs, projects, budgets and human resources. He also gained knowledge by developing and implementing simple and effective tools in communication, negotiation and outreach and for evaluating activities. Tony is also the executive Champion for Persons with Disabilities. He is well positioned to understand statistical needs and help facilitate and grow partnerships related to disaggregated data.

Samantha McDonald

Director of Operations, Impact and Innovation Unit, Privy Council Office

Bio coming soon


Nathalie Laviades-Jodouin

Vice-President of the Public Sector Operations and Inclusion Branch, Canada School of Public Service

Bio coming soon

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