Virtual Engagement Resource Centre for All 2.0


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Welcome to VERCA - The Virtual Engagement Resource Centre for All. == The process of engaging the Canadian public for international aid contributes to promoting global citizenship among the population. Canadians become aware of Canada's international aid efforts, including the Feminist International Assistance Policy and, more broadly, of Canada's contributions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Ultimately, by better understanding how local issues relate to global issues, Canadians will be inclined to take actions that will contribute to a peaceful, prosperous and inclusive world.

The PE Toolkit is a collaborative and evergreen platform to support Canadian organizations that want to engage Canadians on global issues. It has been designed for a wide audience of practitioners, regardless of their level of familiarity with the field of public engagement. The tools and resources presented in this package have been developed by Global Affairs Canada, Canadian partners, other federal entities and international organizations.

1.1 - Understanding public engagement and global citizenship
  • A working definition of "public engagement" activities
  • What is a “global citizen”?
1.2 - Basic guidelines
  • Planning stage: Preparing and planning your initiatives
  • Good practices to consider
  • Types of engagement initiatives: Examples and tips
1.3 - Measuring progress
  • Evaluating results of engagement
  • Theory of change and indicators of success