ESDC Workplace & You - A Workspace for Your Work Style

Revision as of 11:59, 11 March 2022 by Tyler.olinik (talk | contribs)


A Workplace for your Workstyle

We all have different workstyles. Some may prefer a workstyle that mainly consists of independent and focused work, while others prefer spending most of their day working collaboratively with their team. ESDC Workplace accommodates a wide variety of workstyles by having three (3) zones: the Quiet Zone, the Transitional Zone and the Interactive Zone


The Quiet Zone includes open, semi-enclosed, and enclosed individual workpoints, encouraging individual focused work.


The Transitional Zone includes open and enclosed spaces where less intense concentration is supported, including open individual and group workpoints, and semi-enclosed collaboration and support spaces.


The Interactive Zone encourages socialization, group collaboration, and it provides a variety of group workpoints located away from the Quiet Zone.

To learn more about how these zones can be used to accommodate various workstyles, check out the video “Workplace for Your Workstyle” located on the second floor of the ESDC Workplace & You platform. To access the second floor, head to the elevators