ROEB Transformation Office/Bureau de la transformation de la DGORAL

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The Transformation Office is a subsidiary of the ROEB Planning and Operations Directorate (POD-TO) of Health Canada. It was created in January 2021 to drive the ROEB's transformation agenda in all aspects of the business and push innovative thinking in the branch.


Our mandate is to motivate, encourage, and inspire ROEB employees through leadership and support to such an extent that innovative thinking becomes an inherent part on the way emerging challenges are tackled. Challenge, report and enable the delivery of ROEB’s transformation agenda.


The Transformation Office is a place where we dare to dream big, be bold, and transform.

Workshops and Initiatives

Design Thinking

The ROEB-TO ran an interactive online workshop on design thinking hosted by Jumping Elephants from 2021-06-01 to 2021-06-28 in seven sessions targeted towards the ROEB directorates.


Project Sia

Project Sia aims to leverage GIS systems to provide a visual tool to aid in Compliance and Enforcement decisions using existing internal information.