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Our mission is to lead the development of a knowledgeable, resilient and integrated security community across the Government of Canada.

The SCoE achieves excellence in security by promoting consistent, predictable, and standardized approaches to most security issues. The SCoE acts as a catalyst for change and its activities will support the adoption of a robust security posture and culture across government.

Services Offered

Our new 2019-2020 Annual Report is out!

Click on 2019-20 Annual Report to learn more about the SCoE!

Take a look at our 2018-19 Annual Report to learn more about the Centre.

Take a look at our previous 2017-18 Annual Report here.

Capacity Building

Advice and Guidance

As the focal point for the ongoing development of the government’s security community, the SCoE takes great pride in supporting the community by sharing expertise and knowledge, as requested, obtained from various informed sources, with security functional specialists in individual organizations and with the security community as a whole.

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