DTO COVID-19 usability testing tracker

The DTO's COVID-19 usability testing tracker is a bilingual Google sheet that summarizes each of the usability tests that DTO has completed in support of the Government of Canada response to COVID-19. Includes test details, task scenarios used and task success results, as well as links to session notes, findings and recommendations.

This is a working document, so it is updated regularly. It may also contain omissions or errors.

To request access, send an email to: dto.btn@tbs-sct.gc.ca

DTO COVID-19 usability testing results

The DTO's COVID-19 usability testing results are available in English and French as a Google slides deck summarizing findings and recommendations from each of the usability tests that DTO has completed in support of the Government of Canada response to COVID-19.

These are working documents, which are updated regularly. They may also contain omissions or errors.

To request access:

  • English version: send an email with "Access to DTO COVID-19 usability testing results" in the subject line to: dto.btn@tbs-sct.gc.ca
  • French version: send an email with « Accès aux résultats des tests d'utilisabilité de COVID-19 » in the subject line to: dto.btn@tbs-sct.gc.ca